Yeah. Drew had the story and the crowd behind him, but people weren't thinking long-term.
1.) Drew is already a made man, and we've had his title and main event guy run the past couple of years.
2.) Roman defending the titles against Rock or Cody at Mania sounds better than anything that could happen with Drew.
3.) Drew winning would have been a great, perhaps a top-tier moment, but that's as far as I see it. A moment and that's it. I guarantee you about 70% of you guys pushing for that ending would have turned on the idea of Drew's title reign a month in. Drew giving the title to Cody would not have the same impact as Roman putting Cody over. Plus, Roman has a better list of opponents to face. For example, we already have a storyline with Roman/KO/and Sami building up the past month.
4.) A lengthy title reign, with a majority of it providing quality, not ending at Wrestlemania is a wrestling travesty.