Neo. The Only. The One.
It’s a bullshyt answer and a false equivalence.
Pac was born into the civil rights movement, raised in poverty around revolutionaries, common criminals and seeing people in his family and peer group getting stalked by feds.
He had PTSD before he even had to hit the streets and fend for himself, let alone after quad. His chaotic life, his naïveté in trying to bring panther type principles to the streets after make perfect sense when you see the big picture.
They are not the same in any way shape or form.
Drake was around common criminals when he went to visit his dad in Memphis every summer, saw his dad go to prison and many of the people in Memphis

He spent a lot of time in the hood. That's where his raps come from. His life was chaotic, he had to navigate his white side and his black side, leaving him most times struggling for identity and yearning to figure out who he really is. And now he's finally figured it out. 6 gawd