Essential Dragonball Super? New series set after Majin Buu saga


Aug 17, 2012
New York City



Honestly I enjoyed the three "Filler" episodes. To me they paid perfect homage to the original Dragon Ball series and all three were funny as hell. Seeing Goku make the Dragon wait and highlighting that there have so many ridiculous wishes in the franchise was too funny (Oolong, lol). The Arale "Dr. Slump" mash up took me back to the 80's. Very old school and the characters always meshed well into the Dragon Ball World. The Baseball episodes was the funniest as Yamucha finally got some shine (LOL@ the Death Pose). He's been playing Baseball for a while. I don't know why Gohan was acting like he never played before when he did, lol. Champa was a damn fool. But a good three throwback episodes and again are what makes Dragon Ball special, it's not all about fighting. As for the first episode the new mini-arc:


Hit ain't f*ckin around. It was cool see how focused Goku was this episode. We forget all the various powers Goku has because he doesn't use everything all the time. Telekinesis has always been a power for Saiyans. He knew Hit was there the entire time even without fully feeling his KI. LOL @ Gohan and Goten having a brotherly moment. Goten needs to stop fronting, he use to love the Great Saiyan costume, I guess he's getting older, lol. So Hit has learned an even faster time-stopping technique. It was a dope episode because it had some Throwback references to the original Dragon Ball as well. So is Goku really dead? I didn't read any of the spoilers but I wouldn't be shocked if he wasn't or this is some type of paralyzation move. With the recent news this isn't going to be a long arc so obviously there's some wheeling and dealing behind the scenes that set this hit up. Who's going to fight him? We will see but that new move makes him even harder to beat.


Now on to the big news. This Universal Survival Arc looks crazy. This poster is Legendary. Everyone looks hard and ready to battle. I don't want to say "I told you so" but some of you really took the hate too far on GOAThan. Well now how does it feel? I had to battle for my boy for HUNDREDS of pages. How does that look? What do you see there? Is that Mystic? Is that Muscle? Is that Hidden Potential Waiting to be Tapped after God Training? Is that GOAThan chosen as one of the last protectors of the Universe? I think it is. Haters going to have to Man Up when this is over. Now there's been some talk about the selection of this team. When I saw this picture the joy I had couldn't even measured. This is literally like the Dragon Ball DREAM TEAM right here. As a lifelong fan this animation and team is off the hook. First let's talk about why Goten and Trunks aren't going.

#1, THIS IS GROWN FOLKS BUSINESS. After GOAThan baptism by fire throughout his youth, Goku and Vegeta both clearly are taking a different approach (Plus I'm sure ChiChi and Bulma ain't having it) to keep the kids out of the big issues as much as possible. #2, SURVIVAL. They are basically the last Saiyan blood alive after Pan. Why have them go to the tournament and risk ending the bloodline? What if Gohan, Goku and Vegeta all get killed? Or Piccolo and the Dragon Balls can't be used? If the Universe is somehow spared, they would need to be there. Plus who's going to protect Earth while their gone? There's no point in having them come when Goku, Vegeta and Gohan are clearly the most powerful in the family.. #3, EXPERIENCE. Regardless of their natural gifted Saiyan power, they both are still very inexperienced. This team makes PERFECT sense. you got the BEST humans on Earth with the Two Best Cybernetic Androids and the rest are Super Natural. Tein, Roshi and Kuririn are the ORIGINAL TEAM.

I know dudes ain't throwing Rocks at Roshi? You do realize there's a reason his name is "MASTER" Roshi right? lol. He's Legendary and Goku, Krillin and many of them wouldn't be where they are without him. They been through WARS, of course they got to come. Buu is just a great insurance policy to have so that's understandable. Piccolo is the DON, of course he's coming. GOAThan we've waiting and fans like myself were patience and knew you would return. Saving the Universe is enough for him to get in shape and get this show on the road. The SKY IS THE LIMIT on GOAThan's power potential now. Wow at #17 getting back in action. All the work #17 and #18 gave of course they would be selected. This is a fight for the Entire Universe, so this team is like the AVENGERS of Dragon Ball. This Arc has me mad excited, can't wait.


THE PRODIGAL SON RETURNS.........................
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All Star
Nov 7, 2014
Detroit, MI
Am I the only one that generally doesn't care for Goten and Trunks? I don't see the need for them being included in the storylines, they just get in the way and annoy me. :yeshrug:


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Just got on the site saw this thread and had to much troll shyt is gonna be thrown to vegeta:francis: they made every attempt to have bulma shyt on him every chance she gets including this last episode. Always thought bulma and chichi should have been switched would be a better match to me:yeshrug:


All Star
Nov 18, 2016



Honestly I enjoyed the three "Filler" episodes. To me they paid perfect homage to the original Dragon Ball series and all three were funny as hell. Seeing Goku make the Dragon wait and highlighting that there have so many ridiculous wishes in the franchise was too funny (Oolong, lol). The Arale "Dr. Slump" mash up took me back to the 80's. Very old school and the characters always meshed well into the Dragon Ball World. The Baseball episodes was the funniest as Yamucha finally got some shine (LOL@ the Death Pose). He's been playing Baseball for a while. I don't know why Gohan was acting like he never played before when he did, lol. Champa was a damn fool. But a good three throwback episodes and again are what makes Dragon Ball special, it's not all about fighting. As for the first episode the new mini-arc:


Hit ain't f*ckin around. It was cool see how focused Goku was this episode. We forget all the various powers Goku has because he doesn't use everything all the time. Telekinesis has always been a power for Saiyans. He knew Hit was there the entire time even without fully feeling his KI. LOL @ Gohan and Goten having a brotherly moment. Goten needs to stop fronting, he use to love the Great Saiyan costume, I guess he's getting older, lol. So Hit has learned an even faster time-stopping technique. It was a dope episode because it had some Throwback references to the original Dragon Ball as well. So is Goku really dead? I didn't read any of the spoilers but I wouldn't be shocked if he wasn't or this is some type of paralyzation move. With the recent news this isn't going to be a long arc so obviously there's some wheeling and dealing behind the scenes that set this hit up. Who's going to fight him? We will see but that new move makes him even harder to beat.


Now on to the big news. This Universal Survival Arc looks crazy. This poster is Legendary. Everyone looks hard and ready to battle. I don't want to say "I told you so" but some of you really took the hate too far on GOAThan. Well now how does it feel? I had to battle for my boy for HUNDREDS of pages. How does that look? What do you see there? Is that Mystic? Is that Muscle? Is that Hidden Potential Waiting to be Tapped after God Training? Is that GOAThan chosen as one of the last protectors of the Universe? I think it is. Haters going to have to Man Up when this is over. Now there's been some talk about the selection of this team. When I saw this picture the joy I had couldn't even measured. This is literally like the Dragon Ball DREAM TEAM right here. As a lifelong fan this animation and team is off the hook. First let's talk about why Goten and Trunks aren't going.

#1, THIS IS GROWN FOLKS BUSINESS. After GOAThan baptism by fire throughout his youth, Goku and Vegeta both clearly are taking a diffrent approach (Plus I'm sure ChiChi and Bulma ain't having it) to keep the kids out of the big issues as much as possible. #2, SURVIVAL. They are basically the last Saiyan blood alive after Pan. Why have them go to the tournament and risk ending the bloodline? What if Gohan, Goku and Vegeta all get killed? There's not point in having them come. #3, EXPERIENCE. Regardless of their natural gifted Saiyan power, they both are still very inexperienced. This team makes PERFECT sense. you got the BEST humans on Earth with the Two Best Cybernetic Androids and the rest are Super Natural. Tein, Roshi and Kuririn are the ORIGINAL TEAM.

I know dudes ain't throwing Rocks at Roshi? He's Legendary and Goku, Krillin and many of them wouldn't be where they are without him. They been through WARS, of course they got to come. Buu is just a great insurance policy to have so that's understandable. Piccolo is the DON, of course he's coming. GOAThan we've waiting and fans like myself were patience and knew you would return. Saving the Universe is enough for him to get in shape and get this show on the road. The SKY IS THE LIMIT on GOAThan's power potential now. Wow at #17 getting back in action. All the work #17 and #18 gave of course they would be selected. This is a fight for the Entire Universe, so this team is like the AVENGERS of Dragon Ball. This Arc has me mad excited, can't wait.


THE PRODIGAL SON RETURNS.........................
Lol why roshi tien and krillin even suiting up. You telling me universe 7 can't find 3 other nikkas who can replace them. Hell they could strong arm some villains to help... But nah give up 3 matches before it starts breh:sadcam:


May 1, 2012
Just got on the site saw this thread and had to much troll shyt is gonna be thrown to vegeta:francis: they made every attempt to have bulma shyt on him every chance she gets including this last episode. Always thought bulma and chichi should have been switched would be a better match to me:yeshrug:

Chichi keep vegeta in check more than bulma :russ:


Nov 3, 2015
Just got on the site saw this thread and had to much troll shyt is gonna be thrown to vegeta:francis: they made every attempt to have bulma shyt on him every chance she gets including this last episode. Always thought bulma and chichi should have been switched would be a better match to me:yeshrug:
Vegeta is a fukkin loser thats why