I've heard the paper/print quality for the 3 in 1 is horrible.
I've heard the Vizbig has colored pages, but the translation is terrible.
Individual mangas I don't mind, because I can get them all at once. They have em online sold together as a whole set. I've heard those are the most censored, but that doesn't bother me really
There was some weird things with Piccolo's speech patterns for a bit, other than that I can't comment on translation. Haven't read the OG yet, plan to.
I just did a quick comparison of 14 different manga in various sizes based on paper quality.
The Vizbig came in second in terms of quality of touch. Death Note came in first. Death Note has a reduced gloss finish bordering on a matte finish that is easy to turn and durable.
The Vizbig Dragonball is also clean, matte finish, nice to hold.
Vizbig Vagabond has a similar feel to the DB one. Meanwhile the individual issues of Vagabond feels wet after a painting session.
Berserk also has the same feeling clean but wet.
天気の子 feels like a quality novel printing, no grainy feeling.
Monster 3-in-1 has the digest manga feeling without all of the roughness of that paper type.
がくみんなの山 retains that individual manga feel without the grainy texture.
Individual manga feels like coloured cardboard paper we would use in grade school. The collected editions feel like Bristol boards.