People are losing their mind when it's not even that big a deal.
They already said the sayians of uni 6 have far more potential then uni 7. THATS IT. THATS ALL U NEED TO KNOW.
Saying they didn't "Earn" it is dumb.
Trunks went SSJ by doing Jumping Jacks
Goten went SSJ simply by being mad at Chi-Chi

The potaras made 2 kids into ssj3.
Goku gets to SSB simply by fighting Beerus and his body adapting to the power it had.
So now Caufila and Kale fights Goku. We know there already stronger then Goten/Trunks. We know they develop at a faster rater then uni 7. And now they fused.
But somehow yall are upset she's giving Goku that work? Im fully convinced yall just mad a girl is bytchslapping Goku around. If this was Cabba no one would be saying anything
VeGOATa gave no fukks bout Caufila or Kale. Frieza was bout to one shot them. Goku is just a dikkhead. But yall are finding ways to be mad at Caufila and Kale. Lmfao.