UUB appeared later at th end of dbz when gohan/trunks was a later older. These movies happen lil after buu arcWhy they never include my nikka UUb in anything? TF was the point in even creating him?![]()
he's Indian breh
UUB appeared later at th end of dbz when gohan/trunks was a later older. These movies happen lil after buu arc
They need to bring uub, Pikkon, and the sleeveless one piece vegeta backI know I'm just saying......the next DBZ movie/event/whatever better include that nikka
To keep it 100, he just hate drawing ssj2 and ssj3. I remember him complain about that years agoI don't know about everyone else, but I'm bothered by the no more super saiyans. Something about the ss transformations are special.
I fuk with vegeta but dude is one of those old ass dusty nikkas that live in the past, talking about about his high school dayz ass nikkas, when he used claim 4800 in the schoolyard ass nikka. Bruh still wear his old high school color/fit trying to relive his old days ass nikkaLook like they go out of their way to make Goku look weak so Vegeta can come and save the day. Looks like Son Goku doesn't even turn SSJ to face him, getting his ass kicked while Vegeta comes in and saves the day. Maybe Vegeta will get a MAJOR W this time. Vegeta's fatherless fans will be happy...
Son probably gonna SSGod, hit Frieza with a super final flash, and then Frieza still gonna beat his ass and Goku gonna save the day,I fuk with vegeta but dude is one of those old ass dusty nikkas that live in the past, talking about about his high school dayz ass nikkas, when he used claim 4800 in the schoolyard ass nikka. Bruh still wear his old high school color/fit trying to relive his old days ass nikka
He better beat the shyt out of frieza
Akira Toriyama meant to end it after the frieza saga. This movie is just him saying frieza was always one of the baddest even after everything else that has happened.
I've said it in every DBZ thread and I'll say it here too. Toriyama is the George Lucas of DBZ.
All of DBZ up until the end of the frieza saga made sense. Everything was cohesive everything was building to that last battle.
The death of frieza was the basically the closing of the whole story. Goku protected the dragonballs, avenged the sayians avenged the namekians avenged Vegeta's father and Bardock, defeated the most powerful being in the universe and achieved the legendary super saiyen form.
No other saga accomplished as much. For the Andriods it was all just a game, for Cell it was all just a game, for Buu it was...all just a game, and NONE of it was personal. Either for the Z fighters or the villians.
Goku had a personal reason to want to destroy frieza and so did frieza for him.
You had Vegeta crying on his death bed begging Goku to defeat frieza and acknowledging that HE was the true super saiyan. The was HUUUGE for a character like vegeta back then and we've never quite seen him humble himself like that sense then.
From Piccolo to Raditz to Vegeta and Nappa to Ginyu Force to Dodoria and Zarbon and finally Frieza. All a steady climb to the top.
I don't agree with revisiting Frieza basically because his story has already been told. And now Toriyama is backpedaling and saying that "no wait Frieza is the baddest see he has another form you didn't know about." Toriyama had the potential to reignite a frieza storyline and he basically shyt on it by having trunks kill him AND his father in 1 episode... It basically made Frieza the laughing stock of the whole series when it comes to villians even in hell they were craking jokes at him.
They should of went down the road of Frieza's family or ladder of power. Cooler would of been an amazing villain for the regular series and would be fueled by his brothers death but also angry that Frieza never told him about the dragonballs and wanted them all to himself. King Cold had the potential to be close to god tier or even appointed by someone of Lord Beerus type status and could of been a great villain to be defeated right before Beerus shows up.
Frieza got the ending he deserved. A molten erupting namek was a perfect environment to match the raw and brooding power of Goku and Frieza at the time.Freeza is the Key to the entire Dragon Ball storyline. He is the reason Goku is in the situation he's in. He's the reason the Saiyan race is the situation they are in. He killed Goku's Parents and Vegeta's. Cell was strong, Buu was crazy strong. But those fights came out of necessity to protect the earth and the future. Freeza was more personal. I just love how everything came full circle for Goku and there was he was just as his father forsaw him before being transported through time and space to another realm. This movie is Freeza getting the ending he always deserved. Trunks chopping him to pieces was a Legendary moment for Z Fighter fans but it wasn't the proper ending for Freeza. Also him getting sliced by his own blade was terrible too. Now we get Freeza in his full power in his ultimate form. Let's see what the Z Fighters, Older, Wiser and stronger then they've ever been handle it.
friezas species should be more powerful than a saiyan tho, thats how they were able to enslave them
and frieza is an arrogant bytch who never bothered to train cuz he was so full of himself, his brother cooler was only stronger than him cuz he DID train and got to that fourth form, but frieza was king colds favorite son for a reason
matter fact I don think ANY of the dbz villains ever trained so this would be a first
This movie is going to be an Instant Classic. He looks like his brother Cooler. Going to be Epic battle.
probably would have made more sense for goten and trunks to be the focus characters on earth holding it down while goku and vegeta area away under the guidance of beerus and whis. They resemble the two saiyans Frieza is looking for so they would have worked as the perfect placeholders and we would finally get to see them engagaed in a serious situation. Then fnally, friezas power boost wouldbt have been made into something so outragoues as hes going against a ssj3 tier character at best when you take fusion into consideration