The King of Fighters
Well since you asked, aite, lol. A few off the top that I can remember:naw b name em at this point I'm trying to see what games you talking about now![]()
Street Fighter 6
Tekken 8
Persona 5
Strive (tho you might've felt some kinda way of this one at onset, might be the same with Tears of the Kingdom)
I think you shytted on Nier Automata's combat as well, tho you have praised the game as a whole and the OST to both games (shout out to you for actually putting me onto the first game's OST)
And now here with BG3 . After that, I was like...ER and Cyberpunk's days are only numbered for you at this point, lol.
Pretty sure there's a few more. You free to feel how you feel about em fa sho. I won't clutter the thread up much more with derailment tho.