Black men are not viable human beings.
You can't say Black men are patriarchs and then have half a million Black men in prison.
You can't say Black men are patriarchs and then we can't graduate high school.
You can't say Black men are patriarchs yet Black women are more likely to be higher educated and the breadwinner.
Those are not patriarchal qualities.
That's new to me and the first time I have heard it.
Patriarchy is not only about education or being the breadwinner. A man can run his household - even if he is not the breadwinner. Or the sole breadwinner Why? Cause of the roles and structure of the household and his beliefs. And again - Patriarchy is not just about household, money, etc.
There has always been Black men getting placed in the system - since enslavement to Convict Leasing to now. And it was still Patriarchy. It is what it is. Even my daddy and grandparents would laugh if they were alive to hear that it wasn't.
The issue that Black women who parrot this idea of a Black patriarchy, they don't look at Black people through the lens of what Black life is actually like.
They look at Black life like it's White life.
Theres nothing patriarchal about a group of people that don't even marry.
We don't even marry each other.
We don't even have consistent nuclear family structures.
My point about the Black women issues thing is that Black women issues are never brought up in a quantitative manner and when they are addressed in the context of Black men's always a non-sequitir and it's always in a way to make the Black male identity disappear.
This I can't say I agree with -- or even have experienced. As my Black life and how I was raised - is surrounded by marriage and always been. We have to ask ourselves why don't we have consistent family structures? I understand for the BM who get caught up in the system - but what about those who do not? Why are they choosing to forgo it? We can't just say it's on BW.
I get what you are saying... like how white people be like - what about the natives? But, the issue with US is that we both have some of the same issues - and often times they are shifted to BM and not BW - and it should really be BOTH. That's what I feel like the issue is on both sides is.
Black feminists have let White women sell them a fukking sob story.
Boohoo I can't go to work.
Boohoo my husband fukks me when I don't want to
Black woman work cause she has to.
Black woman husband got sold down the river and ain't seen him in a decade.
That's what not having a patriarchy looks like.
I don't know all these Black feminist that are being named or presented as fact. It's like a big narrative online that Black women in massive numbers are feminist and following the white woman. When that's not true.
Many BM are not sold up the river though - and are out there trying to make it.
Black feminists have done a very evil and despicable thing.
Black people can't be talked badly about, Black women can't be talked badly about but Black men can.
Mike Brown is a Black person when he gets shot in the streets but he's a Black man if his girlfriend accuses him of beating her ass. Then he's a piece of shyt toxic male, Black patriarch, example of misogynoir and etc.
What is a Black woman that starves her daughter nearly to death?
Black women are constantly standing up and speaking out in support of Black men. But, with anything - you are going to have some that are angry, "evil" - and out there. And this happens on both sides.
White women never had to work cause her man took care of her. The very thought of a White women being raped sent White men into a frenzy to form lynch mobs.
That's what patriarchy actually looks like.
That's what I have always known and was raised in. And Black men can do that now. It has been done and for many BM - it will continue to be.
I like divisiveness. Whats the point in trying to stick together? This is politics, there are winners and losers and Black men have been losing the gender war.
We thought it was a game. A bunch of movies and books.
Why? when we both have loved ones of each gender. I am fighting for the Black men/boys in my life and family - as I will for the Black women/girls. And the BM I know will do the same.
Yeah... I'm on a whole nother school of thought. Maybe it is too late for a large segment of our community who wants to continue like this - but I am not here for it - and will continue to work with BM and BW who are not on some fukk it and fukk eachother ish.