Dr. King was becoming more militant before his death?


Dec 2, 2015
Sorry, your separationist tones mirrored that of the OP and I assumed you were the same people. Although this thread is specifically about MLK, if your comments had nothing to do with that, then that was my mistake and I apologize.

You can say we were doing better off by ourselves but Census data proves otherwise. In the mid 60s:

Source: Who’s poor in America? 50 years into the ‘War on Poverty,’ a data portrait

I understand this sentiment as I have heard it alot. But, you mentioned health care earlier.... Obama has done a lot to provide healthcare coverage from the uninsured which are disproportionately African American. That # dropped from 21% of African Americans in 2011 to 12% at the end of 2015. More black people have access to health care and the positive aspects that it can bring to your life.

This is just outright wrong. Obama actually created a ban to stop police forces from using military surplus:

What are you using to call the integration aspects a failure? Census data says that although blacks are lagging whites (and we need policy to address this) the black in 2017 are a LOT better off than the blacks of the 50s and 60s.

If you want to apologize for assuming good, I accept your apology.

You say I'm wrong I disagree.
Black unemployment has increased since the 60s as well as increase in households with children raised by single mothers
The Black Family Is Worse Off Today Than In the 1960's, Report Shows - Your Black World
In 1950, 17 percent of African-American children lived in a home with their mother but not their father. By 2010 that had increased to 50 percent. In 1965, only eight percent of childbirths in the Black community occurred out-of-wedlock. In 2010 that figure was 41 percent; and today, the out-of-wedlock childbirth in the Black community sits at an astonishing 72 percent. The number of African-American women married and living with their spouse was recorded as 53 percent in 1950. By 2010, it had dropped to 25 percent.
For African-American men in 1954, it was about 4 percent. By 2010 it was 16.7 percent for African-American men and 7.7 percent for white men. In 1954, 79 percent of African-American men were employed. By 2011 that had decreased to 57 percent.

This isn't progress to me.

Obama and helathcare is not a situation you will win with me. Giving money to Big Healthcare companies in enabling them to get profits off shooting up premiums and the government subsidizing isn't improvement. Its a backdoor government transfer of wealth. So telling me government subsidized insurance means something or is a improvement is a joke to me. Talk to me when the racist bans on black medical colleges is removed and the AMA monopoly on schools is broken so that blacks can be easily trained to be doctors like they used to before the Rockefellers took over the healthcare system. Talk to me about quality of care improving, but this is about as empty as talking about blacks having access to white controlled schools.

Obama, you claim he limited it, well nice, he still increased it before it started to look bad. He still did not direct his justice department to go after these politce departments that the FBI said were performing illegal actions or policethat had racist policy also he didn't stop the program outright, he insisted some departments would just have to show more training to recieve weaponry before it was granted to them, you know that right? Why is the 1033 program even still in effect?

I say integration is a failure because it hasn't worked. Blacks are still on the outside of society, still doing worse, still getting imprisoned for crimes others don't get imprisoned for or are slapped on the wrist for, they have turned government schools into school to prison pipelines, and black infrastructure that existed pre integration has been destroyed. Where is the success, you posit getting government handouts as a success I don't see that as a success I see white dependency as a total failure.


Jun 26, 2015
They are verified by his own staff and biographers as being from him.
Yes I believe Marshall was a snitch, he never denied being one.
He snitched on TRM Howard.
Thurgood Marshall
trm perform illegal abortion on black woman and he support prostitution. he had eight children out of wedlock and gave no support to them. you really want to stick up for this dude???? if mr marshall snicth on any radicals and communist at that time, he would have never made it to old age. would have been murdered. all the black informants were murdered. j edgar hoover was murdered.


Dec 2, 2015
trm perform illegal abortion on black woman and he support prostitution. he had eight children out of wedlock and gave no support to them. you really want to stick up for this dude???? if mr marshall snicth on any radicals and communist at that time, he would have never made it to old age. would have been murdered. all the black informants were murdered. j edgar hoover was murdered.
So you asked who he snitched on, I told you a person he snitched on and now, you are saying its okay because he deserved it.
You are a clown.


Dec 4, 2016
If you want to apologize for assuming good, I accept your apology.

You say I'm wrong I disagree.
Black unemployment has increased since the 60s as well as increase in households with children raised by single mothers
The Black Family Is Worse Off Today Than In the 1960's, Report Shows - Your Black World
Black unemployment is marginally higher today than it was in the 60s but it has been lower multiple times as well. The chart below shows that:

This isn't progress to me.

Obama and helathcare is not a situation you will win with me. Giving money to Big Healthcare companies in enabling them to get profits off shooting up premiums and the government subsidizing isn't improvement.
Millions of African Americans are gaining health care that didn't have it previously. Don't lose the forest for the trees.

Its a backdoor government transfer of wealth. So telling me government subsidized insurance means something or is a improvement is a joke to me.

Is your argument that African Americans couldn't have gotten better health coverage because big healthcare companies were paid? We are talking quality of life here. Are black people better off with insurance or without insurance? Can they afford their insurance if it is subsidized by the government? The answers based on the articles I've read is that this is overwhelmingly true and much better than the prior alternative of not having help coverage, being denied because of pre-existing conditions, filing for bankruptcy due to medical claims, etc.

Obama, you claim he limited it, well nice, he still increased it before it started to look bad. He still did not direct his justice department to go after these politce departments that the FBI said were performing illegal actions or policethat had racist policy
Again, here I think you are misinformed. There were multiple consent decrees issued by the Department of Justice under Barack Obama's leadership. If they didn't really have any impact, then why would Trump be pressured by the FOP to roll back a lot of them?

I say integration is a failure because it hasn't worked. Blacks are still on the outside of society, still doing worse, still getting imprisoned for crimes others don't get imprisoned for or are slapped on the wrist for, they have turned government schools into school to prison pipelines, and black infrastructure that existed pre integration has been destroyed. Where is the success, you posit getting government handouts as a success I don't see that as a success I see white dependency as a total failure.
It is easy to paint the 50s and 60s as glorious times but you are doing a disservice to how far we have come as African Americans and how shytty that time was.

Blacks make more money on average, blacks have a higher proportion of their population that are highly educated, blacks can live anywhere they want in the country instead of being segregated, blacks have more freedom than ever, blacks have more rights than before, etc.

In the 50s and 60s you had less/no rights, were a victim of redlining, openly racist policies, often had no recourse for verbal/physical assault, were often ignored, etc. For you to insinuate that all of these things were not relevant to the African American experience and to give these things no weighting in a comparison of the black experience in the 50s and how it compares to 2017 seems a bit disingenuous, no? Yes there are instances of those things happening in 2017 but nowhere near the scale of the 50s and 60s.


Dec 2, 2015
Black unemployment is marginally higher today than it was in the 60s but it has been lower multiple times as well. The chart below shows that:

Millions of African Americans are gaining health care that didn't have it previously. Don't lose the forest for the trees.

Is your argument that African Americans couldn't have gotten better health coverage because big healthcare companies were paid? We are talking quality of life here. Are black people better off with insurance or without insurance? Can they afford their insurance if it is subsidized by the government? The answers based on the articles I've read is that this is overwhelmingly true and much better than the prior alternative of not having help coverage, being denied because of pre-existing conditions, filing for bankruptcy due to medical claims, etc.

Again, here I think you are misinformed. There were multiple consent decrees issued by the Department of Justice under Barack Obama's leadership. If they didn't really have any impact, then why would Trump be pressured by the FOP to roll back a lot of them?

It is easy to paint the 50s and 60s as glorious times but you are doing a disservice to how far we have come as African Americans and how shytty that time was.

Blacks make more money on average, blacks have a higher proportion of their population that are highly educated, blacks can live anywhere they want in the country instead of being segregated, blacks have more freedom than ever, blacks have more rights than before, etc.

In the 50s and 60s you had less/no rights, were a victim of redlining, openly racist policies, often had no recourse for verbal/physical assault, were often ignored, etc. For you to insinuate that all of these things were not relevant to the African American experience and to give these things no weighting in a comparison of the black experience in the 50s and how it compares to 2017 seems a bit disingenuous, no? Yes there are instances of those things happening in 2017 but nowhere near the scale of the 50s and 60s.

What does it matter if there was a 5 year period that it was lower and the overwhelming majority of the time it has been higher? Black unemployment that is.

MIllions of americans getting government subsidized healthcare and becoming dependent on government healthcare money isn't improvement. Sorry. Want to talk about advancement tell me why black life expectancy dropped under Obama care? Nah I'll pass on letting people who hate us control our healthcare. That isn't progress to me.

My argument is that government subsidzing and building depence on their providing you care isn't a positive and isn't advancement. That seems very clear from my reading what I posted. SEeing government care, backdoor money transfer to big business, isn't my concept of black progress, maybe its different to you, that is your view.

I'm misinformed because you are blindly caping for Obama who increased the use of militarization then feel back on it when it became politically messy, but did not cancel the militarization program, only asked for more training when they sent weapons, and temporarily banned shipment of vehicles. Thats supposed to be something? Obama and HOlder justice department wrote reports about Ferguson police department, why did they not file charges? Their justice department told Baltimore their stopping and hurting prisoners in transport was illegal, they continued to do it, why did they not press charges? Why were no charges brought against samford police after allowing Zimmerman's father come on the scene with police during investigation, why not when the chief of police's son had killed a homeless man and the officers covered it up? He did nothing. Not one of those police departments were charged by the federal government. The only people charged during the aftermath of any of those police departments doing their dirt was teh black protestors in Baltimore, HOlder charged some of those guys that burned down a store. But hey Obama made sure to use all his federal authority to pull money if you didn't comply with the homo shyt.

I haven't painted the 50s as a glorious time, that things were better is an indictment of the joke of integrationism and its token achievement, not a celebration of anything back then. The things you say about back then happen now, except its accepted even more. Chicago police arrest openly black young men and hold them up, uncharged in prison with some of them dying under their care with nothing said. Cops still harass black children pulling guns on them, shooting some, and they get parades and called heroes. They do the same shyt today that they did then, only difference is occasionally you might see it more today because of cell phones, with that same token they legalized what they do to us but prop up some token achievenment cases so a few people think things are better. Things aren't better though, not when so many ar edependent on white men and actually think white men loving them and accepting them is a fukking goal, while destroying the black family and black owned economic structures.


Jun 26, 2015
So you asked who he snitched on, I told you a person he snitched on and now, you are saying its okay because he deserved it.
You are a clown.
i'm not a clown, because i'm capable and mature enough to have a convo without calling people names. if you want a black man that supports prostitution and performs illegal abortions to represent us for our fight for black liberation, more power to you, i on the other hand don't care for this man.


Dec 2, 2015
i'm not a clown, because i'm capable and mature enough to have a convo without calling people names. if you want a black man that supports prostitution and performs illegal abortions to represent us for our fight for black liberation, more power to you, i on the other hand don't care for this man.
Niigga, first you said there was no proof he snitched on anyone and that he didn't have the time to do it. You said name one person he snitched on.
I named you one person he snitched on and you literally start claiming its okay to snitch, you have embarassed yourself in this thread.
Thurgood Marshall is a snitch, while the FBI was busting black people's heads in the south and aiding in the murder of freedom riders, Marshall was working with those same folks killing. When MLK was organizing the bus boycott Marshall was meeting with HOover about a situation in alabama.


Dec 4, 2016
I haven't painted the 50s as a glorious time, that things were better is an indictment of the joke of integrationism and its token achievement, not a celebration of anything back then. The things you say about back then happen now, except its accepted even more. Chicago police arrest openly black young men and hold them up, uncharged in prison with some of them dying under their care with nothing said. Cops still harass black children pulling guns on them, shooting some, and they get parades and called heroes. They do the same shyt today that they did then, only difference is occasionally you might see it more today because of cell phones, with that same token they legalized what they do to us but prop up some token achievenment cases so a few people think things are better. Things aren't better though, not when so many ar edependent on white men and actually think white men loving them and accepting them is a fukking goal, while destroying the black family and black owned economic structures.
If you think that racism is more accepted in 2017 than it was in the 1950s then clearly me stating what I think are objective facts will not change your opinion.

If you think the rate of incidence is going up when it comes to police brutality, then all I can ask for is that in the future you can find data from reputable sources to support your arguments.

Police brutality, indifference about blacks, and corruption all happen to this day (and in every country in the world I might add) but for you to assume that these things happen in 2017 at the same rate (or greater) than they happened in the 1950s, without any concrete statistics is not going to win an argument. The fact that these things are always in the news doesn't speak tot the frequency with which these crimes happen now compared to decades ago, rather it speaks to a shift in accountability and expectations from the general American public. You didn't read about hate crimes in the 50s because a larger amount of people didn't care if police beat up black kids or prisoners died in jail under suspicious circumstances.

I hope that in the long run you find happiness in the world.


Dec 2, 2015
If you think that racism is more accepted in 2017 than it was in the 1950s then clearly me stating what I think are objective facts will not change your opinion.

If you think the rate of incidence is going up when it comes to police brutality, then all I can ask for is that in the future you can find data from reputable sources to support your arguments.

Police brutality, indifference about blacks, and corruption all happen to this day (and in every country in the world I might add) but for you to assume that these things happen in 2017 at the same rate (or greater) than they happened in the 1950s, without any concrete statistics is not going to win an argument. The fact that these things are newsworthy shows how far society has come. You didn't read about hate crimes in the 50s because it wasn't newsworthy back then.

I hope that in the long run you find happiness in the world.

Racism is the same, you think because someone doesn't call someone boy or ****** they are less racist, they aren't they just don't use those words anymore. That you seem to think the systematic racism and the majority white society that not only accepts it fights for it to remain is some how better, there is nothing I can say to you either.

I never said anything about the rate of incidence going up, you literally are pulling arguments out of thin air now.

If I'm talking about the US, what does it matter what happens in other countries, seems like a dismissal tactic to what is going on today, I hope that wasn't what you were trying to do. As for greater rate who has made that argument, again you literally pull this out of the air. Lynchings and police brutality were newsworthty in the 50s, when do you think Emmett Till was murdered, when do you think the Scotsborough Boys, white crimes against blacks were always documented and noted, just like they are today, and just like today nothing changes to stop what whites do to us. Nothing.

Our conversation has nothing to do with my disposition, nice attempt at deflecting again though.


Jun 26, 2015
Niigga, first you said there was no proof he snitched on anyone and that he didn't have the time to do it. You said name one person he snitched on.
I named you one person he snitched on and you literally start claiming its okay to snitch, you have embarassed yourself in this thread.
Thurgood Marshall is a snitch, while the FBI was busting black people's heads in the south and aiding in the murder of freedom riders, Marshall was working with those same folks killing. When MLK was organizing the bus boycott Marshall was meeting with HOover about a situation in alabama.
you are quoting a source that is not even giving you any info on his fbi activities. his name is not on the cointelpro files that were stolen 1972. none of the black militants ever report that he was a snitch. none of the communist mention that he was a snitch, only you and two white writers who don't know anything about marshall or hoover


Dec 2, 2015
you are quoting a source that is not even giving you any info on his fbi activities. his name is not on the cointelpro files that were stolen 1972. none of the black militants ever report that he was a snitch. none of the communist mention that he was a snitch, only you and two white writers who don't know anything about marshall or hoover
The sources are documented in the 1300 page files the FBI had regarding Marshall from a FOIA rquest.
Who cares if his name wasn't in the cointelpro files, we know for a fact from his own communications with his buddy Hoover what he was up to.
What does it matter if 60s era militants felt about him, he is documented as having done so.
He literally kicked the communist out of the NAACP and refered their names to Hoover under the promise of them no exposing him. This is what he wrote when he went to the FBI to offer his services.
I know you seem to have a crush or infaturation iwth Marshall, time for you to accept what he is. You aren't opposition to the power structure and selected to the supreme court.


Jun 26, 2015
The sources are documented in the 1300 page files the FBI had regarding Marshall from a FOIA rquest.
Who cares if his name wasn't in the cointelpro files, we know for a fact from his own communications with his buddy Hoover what he was up to.
What does it matter if 60s era militants felt about him, he is documented as having done so.
He literally kicked the communist out of the NAACP and refered their names to Hoover under the promise of them no exposing him. This is what he wrote when he went to the FBI to offer his services.
I know you seem to have a crush or infaturation iwth Marshall, time for you to accept what he is. You aren't opposition to the power structure and selected to the supreme court.
no you don't know for a fact dude, stop being slow, this info would have came out a long time ago. you claim that marshall is a snitch, not understanding that he is a supreme court judge, hoover has to go thru him to get shyt done, you mention one name that is not even a threat to national security,


Dec 2, 2015
no you don't know for a fact dude, stop being slow, this info would have came out a long time ago. you claim that marshall is a snitch, not understanding that he is a supreme court judge, hoover has to go thru him to get shyt done, you mention one name that is not even a threat to national security,
Yeah we do know for a fact, the only one denying it is you, Marshall's own camp can't deny the evidence, so they try to claim it was neccessary to protect the NAACP or to stop the communists.
Evidence was released in 93 its been public knowledge for over 20 years now.
Marshall was a informant for the FBI, its not a claim its fact.
What does being a Supreme Court justice have to do with him being an informant? Nothing.
Hoover didn't and the FBI didn't have to go through the supreme court to do what they wanted, you are proving now that you don't even understand the role of the different branches of the federal government.