Dr. King was becoming more militant before his death?


Dec 2, 2015
Are you really trying to marginalize the civil rights movement just to make your point that we had inferior infrastructure, inferior opportunities, inferior healthcare, inferior schools..fukk out of here. Obama would have NEVER HAD the opportunity to become president. This is suppose to be the root, you spouting that hotep fake pro black shyt like that movement has any weight. Sukka nikkas stop getting played by these clowns :camby:

We were better off seperate and with out own infrastructure with our own doctors and hopsitals owned by us than the alternative to being given shyt healthcare and tested on by white doctors and white controlled black facilities and sending our kids to be taught racist cirriculum by whites that hated us teaching our kids bullshyt to brainwash and indoctrinate them to believe in black inferiority like yourself. Look at you, how is it inferior opportunity for blacks to own their own banks, to be doctors who cater to blacks, to have businesses that cater to blacks. Why, is it because you were told that if blacks own it and run it, it must be inferior to whites? Think about that.

Obama was president and shyt hasn't changed, still have unarmed blacks murdered in the street by whites and getting off, while he is giving those police departments that do it and condone it money for military weapons that they turn on us. You folks that think Obama is a sign of anything other than the gullibility of idiots to accept the same system of white supremacy being imposed on us but in mulatto face is a crying shame.

I'm not spouting hotep anything. I'm telling you facts. People like yourself would rather feel wanted by white folks than to look at the facts of the ground. The civil rights movement of the 60s, integrationism, is a complete and total failure. Black americans were duped by the white liberals who pushed that non-sense. Why did they push it? because they know if we are together and have a seperate infrastructure and life apart from them we won't need them, and that makes us a group too large to ignore and continue to mistreat if the white elite wants influence around the world.


Jun 26, 2015
He was Hoover's spy into NAACP and other black groups.
He literally reffered names to Hoover to investigate, blacks he thought were too communist leaning.
clearly you don't known anything about mr hoover's background, when did your source claim mr marshall was snitching to the fbi? you don't think hoover had colored agents in the bureau long before marshall?


Dec 2, 2015
clearly you don't known anything about mr hoover's background, when did your source claim mr marshall was snitching to the fbi? you don't think hoover had colored agents in the bureau long before marshall?
Clearly what you posted makes no sense.
I didn't say Marshall was his only spy, but he was infact a spy who directed hoover to spy on certain people, especially inside the NAACP. This isn't guessing its fact and documented in the letters they sent to each other that were released. So read up and educate yourself so you know what you are talking about and read carefully so you understand what is written.

Thurgood Marshall Had Secret Contact With FBI
In 1956, for example, Marshall contacted a senior FBI official to

say that he would be giving the keynote address at an upcoming

annual convention of the NAACP. As reported in a memo to a

top aide of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Marshall thought he

"could do some good" by noting communist efforts to infiltrate civil

rights groups and believed that "some general items as to what the

communists are doing . . . could be used to good advantage."

The memo said Marshall "stated that no one would know where

he got the information and he wondered if I could be of any help

to him."

At the time the FBI devoted considerable resources to running

surveillance and harassment programs against alleged communists

and others the agency considered to be subversive. The document

suggests that the FBI's domestic intelligence division should come

up with information for Marshall, but there is no account of how

the matter was resolved.

Thurgood Marshall a fukking snitch and puppet for the white man.

Malcolm X told the truth about him and it made him hate Malcolm X.

Malcolm X
Q: Did you ever meet Malcolm X?
A: Hell yes.

Q: What was that relationship like?
A: I think we called each other sons of bytches and that was all there was.

Q: How did you meet?
A: I don’t know. It was on 7th Avenue, that’s all I know.

Well I mean you listen to those speeches you see he made speeches every Friday and Saturday in front of the Teresa Hotel.

Q: Right on the street.
A: Yeah. But the police recorded them and I’d get a copy of them the next morning so I knew what he was saying about me.

Q: What was he saying about you?
A: Half-white ******. That kind of stuff. I’m about the same color he was.

Q: And condemning the work you were doing.
A: Oh yes. I was working with the white folks, I was hand in glove with the white folks and whatever they told me to do I’d do.

And then (New York Police Commissioner Stephen) Kennedy, I mean the commissioner got the report, said I should carry a gun. And my wife said to me you ain’t going to bring no gun in this house. And Malcolm called me up and he said hey I’ll come by, will you buy me a drink? And I said sure, come on. And he came out there about six o’clock and had a little parcel all wrapped up like a present and he said this is for you. And I said what’s this? And there was this snubnosed gun and you know the permit for it. And Kissei said uhah don’t put your damn hands on it. And I had to give it back to him.

So then he had a policeman on the corner just to make sure.

But they were a bad bunch. And Malcolm X was the ringleader.

Q: So why did he want to meet with you?
A: I don’t know. Think he was trying to convince me or something. I think that’s why he got mad with me.

Q: Was it after he came back from his trip [to Mecca] and had changed his point of view and all that?
A: I don’t believe he changed a goddamn thing. I believe he was a bum, hell he was a damned pimp. A convicted pimp – about as lowlife as you can get.

Q: But he’s now become like a folk hero. What the hell’s going on here?
A: White people.

Q: Why is it in their interests to promote him as some kind of folk hero.
A: You white journalists. You’re a journalist.

Q: Me? How am I promoting him as a hero, come on.
A: You’re a journalist.

Friends with Hoover, buddy buddy with NYPD police.


Jan 31, 2017
Brooklyn, New York
He's too invested into the myth.
Facts looking him right in the face.
Marshall went to the FBI looking to be an informant.

I had no idea Marshall was a FBI snitch until you brought it up. Dude helped that degenerate Hoover destroy the movement :wow: Must of been caught up in the anti-communist fever that was going on.


Jun 26, 2015
Said he would go to meetings with prominent black leaders and tell him (Hoover) their plans so Hoover could be one step ahead.
hoover already had top notch nikkas that was already doing that when mr marshall was filling out college applications. it's a bullshyt story


Dec 2, 2015
NOt a story fact, which you have problem accepting.
You literally act like we are saying Marshall was the only informant, no one has said that, so the claim that hoover had more informants means nothing.
What matters is what Marshall did, which was become friends with Hoover and spy on black americans for the benefit of the US government.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Obama would have NEVER HAD the opportunity to become president under segregation.

I couldn't give a shyt about that if I tried :scusthov:

I don't agree that things were better with segregation, but integration as an end unto itself is a fukking joke. What exactly are we doing with all of these "opportunities?" The only use for trying to get more access to cac institutions should have been to get more resources so we could separate more completely from them, not assimilate into their institutions, society, and families (:scust:)


I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
There are some people who believe Dr. King's message of unity and integration set the black community back and caused many of the issues we see today. If that is indeed the case then King might of realized this at the end of his life as the video below shows.
:dahell: Near his death?

Only uninformed people who want to pit him against Malcolm X say this type of stuff.

They KILLED THIS MAN. These soft shoeing Negros of today ain't nearly scaring white ppl like Dr. King was.


Jun 26, 2015
Clearly what you posted makes no sense.
I didn't say Marshall was his only spy, but he was infact a spy who directed hoover to spy on certain people, especially inside the NAACP. This isn't guessing its fact and documented in the letters they sent to each other that were released. So read up and educate yourself so you know what you are talking about and read carefully so you understand what is written.

Thurgood Marshall Had Secret Contact With FBI

Thurgood Marshall a fukking snitch and puppet for the white man.

Malcolm X told the truth about him and it made him hate Malcolm X.

Malcolm X

Friends with Hoover, buddy buddy with NYPD police.
you point of refere
Clearly what you posted makes no sense.
I didn't say Marshall was his only spy, but he was infact a spy who directed hoover to spy on certain people, especially inside the NAACP. This isn't guessing its fact and documented in the letters they sent to each other that were released. So read up and educate yourself so you know what you are talking about and read carefully so you understand what is written.

Thurgood Marshall Had Secret Contact With FBIlol so because someone writes this shyt, you take it to mean the truth????the washington post has no credibility as a news source. what you don't know is mr marshall was playing mr hoover so the naacp can get off his watch list. keep in mind, the government had to get back at them for walter white infiltrating klan and telling the world that they are members of the government... members of the police department. all the picture you can find of black folks being hung was because of a black man named walter white

Thurgood Marshall a fukking snitch and puppet for the white man.

Malcolm X told the truth about him and it made him hate Malcolm X.

Malcolm X

Friends with Hoover, buddy buddy with NYPD police.


Dec 2, 2015
you point of refere
LOL these are actual documents the FBI released. You can purchase the printed documents for 10 dollars if you want, 1,300 pages of interactions of Marshall with the FBI.
I notice you really can't refute the fact that Marshall went to the FBI asking them could he be their confidential informant.
Nothing you can really say to deny that, so you try to talk about everything else, but that.


Dec 4, 2016
@David_TheMan how do you feel about the documentation that shows Malcolm X became more of an integrationist when he left the NoI and went to mecca?