Dr. King was becoming more militant before his death?


Dec 2, 2015
@David_TheMan how do you feel about the documentation that shows Malcolm X became more of an integrationist when he left the NoI and went to mecca?
I have questions about that sentiment, if you are referring to the Alex Haley book, there are people who say Haley , who was an integrationist, added that shyt later for his and the integrationist want to co-opt him.


Dec 4, 2016
I have questions about that sentiment, if you are referring to the Alex Haley book, there are people who say Haley , who was an integrationist, added that shyt later for his and the integrationist want to co-opt him.
Yeah that is the book I'm referring to.

Well what would you say is the difference between what you think Haley did with Malcolm X, and what you are doing currently with MLK?


Dec 2, 2015
Although MLK is celebrated as an integrationist, this thread attempts to use MLK to co-opt your separationist viewpoint.
I didn't make this thread and in this thread I haven't said anything about MLK.
So again I ask what have I currently done with MLK.
State your case.


Jun 26, 2015
LOL these are actual documents the FBI released. You can purchase the printed documents for 10 dollars if you want, 1,300 pages of interactions of Marshall with the FBI.
I notice you really can't refute the fact that Marshall went to the FBI asking them could he be their confidential informant.
Nothing you can really say to deny that, so you try to talk about everything else, but that.
you actually believe thurgood Marshall had time to st around and find out who was against the government???? if you know anything about thurgood marshall at that time you would know that he would make a terrible informant because he dosent stay around enough to tell you who's dangerous or not. the fbi is not a credible organization in terms of the information they release to the public. who believes whats comes from the fbi.lol


Dec 2, 2015
you actually believe thurgood Marshall had time to st around and find out who was against the government???? if you know anything about thurgood marshall at that time you would know that he would make a terrible informant because he dosent stay around enough to tell you who's dangerous or not. the fbi is not a credible organization in terms of the information they release to the public. who believes whats comes from the fbi.lol
They have his actual letters to Hoover kid.
You sound like a kid wishing and hoping Santa Claus is real.
Hoover is a man who claimed Martin Luther King wasn't bothered by FBI and government threats and surveilance, while MLK at the same time on FBI monitored lines is calling his friends and telling them how much pressure he is under and how close he is to being broken by the US government, the same government Marshall was a part of and working with.

Reading Thurgood Marshall’s early letters
The St. Louis American: What is surprising about his compromises?

Michael G. Long: In the beginning of his relationship with J. Edgar Hoover, he was very pointed in his criticism. He would say something like, “The FBI is very capable at ferreting out spies for the Communists in remote places all over the world, yet is unable to locate white thugs who harm and kill African Americans in broad daylight.” And he asked Hoover to hire African-American agents and made them be more sensitive when they interviewed African Americans in the South. He told them not to travel with the local white sheriffs or police authorities when they interviewed African Americans about police brutality.

Through the years, though, he grows into a friendlier relationship with Hoover. By the end of his tenure at the NAACP, he is feeding Hoover and the FBI information on black militants. That definitely was a surprise to me. Marshall sidled up to power, and in some ways he blunted his criticism. As he did so, he got things in return. He did so for smart reasons. He got protection from the FBI. He also got greater assistance from the FBI in prosecuting race-based crimes. Hoover got friendly with him, too.

That is Thurgood Marshall, friends with Hoover, pointing the FBI at people he considered his enemies, while he is getting protection, better treatment for what he wanted.


All Star
Dec 22, 2014
:dahell: Near his death?

Only uninformed people who want to pit him against Malcolm X say this type of stuff.

They KILLED THIS MAN. These soft shoeing Negros of today ain't nearly scaring white ppl like Dr. King was.
Idk breh. These cacs were so scared of a liberal neoconservative in Barack Obama and us marching aimlessly in the streets. We haven't gotten close to the level of the 60's militancy and they freaked out and elected a white supremacist billionaire.


Jun 26, 2015
They have his actual letters to Hoover kid.
You sound like a kid wishing and hoping Santa Claus is real.
Hoover is a man who claimed Martin Luther King wasn't bothered by FBI and government threats and surveilance, while MLK at the same time on FBI monitored lines is calling his friends and telling them how much pressure he is under and how close he is to being broken by the US government, the same government Marshall was a part of and working with.

Reading Thurgood Marshall’s early letters

That is Thurgood Marshall, friends with Hoover, pointing the FBI at people he considered his enemies, while he is getting protection, better treatment for what he wanted.
how do you know for a fact that it was from him???? you actually believe that a man like marshall was hanging around communist and radicals long enought to tell hoover they going to take over the government?????who was he snitch on genius? who did he blow the whistle on?


I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
Idk breh. These cacs were so scared of a liberal neoconservative in Barack Obama and us marching aimlessly in the streets. We haven't gotten close to the level of the 60's militancy and they freaked out and elected a white supremacist billionaire.
That wasn't fear. We march, they make laws.


Dec 2, 2015
how do you know for a fact that it was from him???? you actually believe that a man like marshall was hanging around communist and radicals long enought to tell hoover they going to take over the government?????who was he snitch on genius? who did he blow the whistle on?
They are verified by his own staff and biographers as being from him.
Yes I believe Marshall was a snitch, he never denied being one.
He snitched on TRM Howard.
Thurgood Marshall
In 1956, for example, he privately praised Hoover's campaign to discredit T.R.M. Howard, a maverick civil rights leader from Mississippi. During a national speaking tour, Howard criticized the FBI's failure to seriously investigate cases such as the 1955 killers of George W. Lee and Emmett Till. In a private letter to Hoover, Marshall "attacked Howard as a 'rugged individualist' who did not speak for the NAACP." Two years earlier Howard arranged for Marshall to deliver a well-received speech at a rally of his Regional Council of Negro Leadership in Mound Bayou, Mississippi only days before the Brown decision. According to historians David T. Beito and Linda Royster Beito, "Marshall's disdain for Howard was almost visceral. [He] 'disliked Howard's militant tone and maverick stance' and 'was well aware that Hoover's attack served to take the heat off the NAACP and provided opportunities for closer collaboration [between the NAACP and the FBI] in civil rights.'"


Dec 4, 2016
I didn't make this thread and in this thread I haven't said anything about MLK.
So again I ask what have I currently done with MLK.
State your case.
Sorry, your separationist tones mirrored that of the OP and I assumed you were the same people. Although this thread is specifically about MLK, if your comments had nothing to do with that, then that was my mistake and I apologize.

We were better off seperate and with out own infrastructure with our own doctors and hopsitals owned by us than the alternative to being given shyt healthcare and tested on by white doctors and white controlled black facilities and sending our kids to be taught racist cirriculum by whites that hated us teaching our kids bullshyt to brainwash and indoctrinate them to believe in black inferiority like yourself. Look at you, how is it inferior opportunity for blacks to own their own banks, to be doctors who cater to blacks, to have businesses that cater to blacks. Why, is it because you were told that if blacks own it and run it, it must be inferior to whites? Think about that.
You can say we were doing better off by ourselves but Census data proves otherwise. In the mid 60s:
In 1966, two years after Johnson’s speech, four-in-ten (41.8%) of African-Americans were poor; blacks constituted nearly a third (31.1%) of all poor Americans. By 2012, poverty among African-Americans had fallen to 27.2% — still more than double the rate among whites (12.7%, 1.4 percentage points higher than in 1966).
Source: Who’s poor in America? 50 years into the ‘War on Poverty,’ a data portrait

Obama was president and shyt hasn't changed,
I understand this sentiment as I have heard it alot. But, you mentioned health care earlier.... Obama has done a lot to provide healthcare coverage from the uninsured which are disproportionately African American. That # dropped from 21% of African Americans in 2011 to 12% at the end of 2015. More black people have access to health care and the positive aspects that it can bring to your life.

[...]still have unarmed blacks murdered in the street by whites and getting off, while he is giving those police departments that do it and condone it money for military weapons that they turn on us.
This is just outright wrong. Obama actually created a ban to stop police forces from using military surplus:

I'm not spouting hotep anything. I'm telling you facts. People like yourself would rather feel wanted by white folks than to look at the facts of the ground. The civil rights movement of the 60s, integrationism, is a complete and total failure.
What are you using to call the integration aspects a failure? Census data says that although blacks are lagging whites (and we need policy to address this) the black in 2017 are a LOT better off than the blacks of the 50s and 60s.