So disappointed in Tone and YvetteThey're going scorched earth now, this is just bitter hate right here
Powernomics is outdated. Nobody tells illegal immigrants and LGBTQ they have to establish an economic base before they can get political capital in Amerikkka. How many centuries will it take native blacks to accumilate enough wealth to compete with super pacs. $100M aint shyt to the Koch brothers.
What part of America are y'all cats from? Y'all never seen high yella black folks before? He ain't foolin one white person on this planet looking like that.
This is what a black person that can pass for white looks like. He had two black parents too.
Walter White of the NAACP. He passed as white in the South in order to properly investigate lynchings and riots when white folks barred black folks, who were reporters/investigators on fact finding missions.
White when he was an investigator for the NAACP when he first joined.
Walter Francis White - Wikipedia
Those pictures are in black and white breh
Better? White with his second wife, Poppy Cannon, who was a white South African.
Which one of these is white (no trickery on my part)? Don't cheat and use Google Image Search.
White with President Truman and former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
Where's his parents?
This is the best I can get. Both of his parents are on his left. Those are his sisters and brothers. His parents were born slaves. His father was a mail carrier when he grew up as a child in Atlanta.
You sure they're black?
Tone and Yvette are livid that Boyce Tariq Claude and others get more media coverage than they do.Tone was begging for a blue check last week.They don’t know how to lead and are desperate to be relevant to masses.