That was Zuck's vocal cadence 100%.
Another strike for Musk is the unsolicited volunteering by the tech dude is similar to what he did w/ those kids stuck in the mine a few years back.Probably just an amalgamation of the typical socially inept tech bro. Like the guy from Silicon Valley on hbo
But the kind of tech he had was more in line with musk. Also Musk’ got his wealth because his parents are South African emerald miners so him mining the comet was probably a nod to that
I loved this movie. I can see everything in that movie happening. Playing politics, both sideism, a terrible media, quack scientists, capitalists greed, online conspiracist etc.
This is who we are as a country in 2021. We are not a serious people and we are doomed whether it’s an asteroid right away or a slow death via climate change.
lets not do thatMeryl Streep is the baddest 72 year old ever. At worst top 5
This movies 2.5 hrs doesn't feel like a slogYo...hearing positive things
Worth the 2.5 hrs?