Donald Trump says he’ll choose his vice presidential candidate later today (Update Trump choose J.D. Vance)


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
His response might be relatable to republican voters who voted Biden or to new Voters who hear others call Trump hitler. He would have a chance to explain to either why he changed his mind.

I agree it's not a great pick for trump and hope it hurts him but maybe that's their angle. Amber Rose already put that message out tonight

I personally think there arent many votes left to win but rather just turn out the disenchanted but who knows

Who gives a fukk what Amber Rose has to say my god our political system is a calamity


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
I agree

But that's their strategy I guess

Put some thot up there to show the kids that Rs arent the party of old decrepit men and have her babble about seeing the light

I mean his cult gon buy it but I really doubt Nyone with a brain is going to allow that goober to hand wave away calling his pres elect hitler. I hope lol

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
I agree

But that's their strategy I guess

Put some thot up there to show the kids that Rs arent the party of old decrepit men and have her babble about seeing the light

They have embraced that this dude is all about having a crew of misfits around him all the time so why not bring it front and center.

It’s less about finding out who is on board and more about a temperature check so that everyone votes the same way in November. Last piece to the puzzle was who would be the VP so all he has to do it keep the same energy going until November.

The whole damn news narrative and spotlight is on the shooting, the aftermath, the convention and no longer on Dems no longer Biden out of the race. And that will be to their detriment because every day that goes by is less time to get a plan in place. Just think about how awkward the Dems convention will be knowing how divided the party is on Biden.
Sep 15, 2015

Yarvin has alleged that whites have higher IQs than blacks for genetic reasons. He has been described as a modern-day supporter of slavery, a description he disputes. He has claimed that some races are more suited to slavery than others. In a post that linked approvingly to Steve Sailer and Jared Taylor, he wrote: "It should be obvious that, although I am not a white nationalist, I am not exactly allergic to the stuff." In 2009, he wrote that since US civil rights programs were "applied to populations with recent hunter-gatherer ancestry and no great reputation for sturdy moral fiber", the result was "absolute human garbage."
Sep 15, 2015

Vance has said that, had he been vice president in 2020, he would have carried out Trump’s scheme for the vice president to overturn the election results. He has fundraised for January 6 rioters. He once called on the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into a Washington Post columnist who penned a critical piece about Trump. After last week’s assassination attempt on Trump, he attempted to whitewash his radicalism by blaming the shooting on Democrats’ rhetoric about democracy without an iota of evidence.

This worldview translates into a very aggressive agenda for a second Trump presidency. In a podcast interview, Vance said that Trump should “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat” in the US government and “replace them with our people.” If the courts attempt to stop this, Vance says, Trump should simply ignore the law.

“You stand before the country, like Andrew Jackson did, and say the chief justice has made his ruling, now let him enforce it,” he declares.

The President Jackson quote is likely apocryphal, but the history is real. Vance is referring to an 1832 case, Worcester v. Georgia, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the US government needed to respect Native legal rights to land ownership. Jackson ignored the ruling, and continued a policy of allowing whites to take what belonged to Natives. The end result was the ethnic cleansing of about 60,000 Natives — an event we now call the Trail of Tears.

For most Americans, this history is a deep source of shame: an authoritarian president trampling on the rule of law to commit atrocities. For Vance, it is a well of inspiration.

J.D. Vance is a man who believes that the current government is so corrupt that radical, even authoritarian steps, are justified in response. He sees himself as the avatar of America’s virtuous people, whose political enemies are interlopers scarcely worthy of respect. He is a man of the law who believes the president is above it.

Ultimately, whether Vance truly believes what he’s saying is secondary to the public persona he’s chosen to adopt. Politicians are not defined by their inner lives, but the decisions that they make in public — the ones that actually affect law and policy. Those choices are deeply shaped by the constituencies they depend on and the allies they court.

And it is clear that Vance is deeply ensconced in the GOP’s growing “national conservative” faction, which pairs an inconsistent economic populism with an authoritarian commitment to crushing liberals in the culture war.

Vance has cited Curtis Yarvin, a Silicon Valley monarchist blogger, as the source of his ideas about firing bureaucrats and defying the Supreme Court. His Senate campaign was funded by Vance’s former employer, Peter Thiel, a billionaire who once wrote that “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

He’s a big fan of Patrick Deneen, a Notre Dame professor who recently wrote a book calling for “regime change” in America. Vance spoke at an event for Deneen’s book in Washington, describing himself as a member of the “postliberal right” who sees his job in Congress as taking an “explicitly anti-regime” stance.

Vance is also an open admirer of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a right-wing politician who has systematically torn his country’s democracy apart. Vance praised Orbán’s approach to higher education in particular, saying he “made some smart decisions there that we could learn from in the United States.” The policies in question involve using national dollars to impose state controls over universities, turning them into vehicles for disseminating the government line.

In a profile of Vance, Politico reporter Ian Ward quotes multiple leading Republican figures — specifically, the leaders of the faction trying to turn these postliberal ideas into practice — saying that they see Vance as a leading advocate for their cause.

Top Trump advisor (and current federal inmate) Steve Bannon told Ward that Vance is “at the nerve center of this movement.” Kevin Roberts, the president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation and the driving force behind Project 2025, told Ward that “he is absolutely going to be one of the leaders — if not the leader — of our movement.”


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
Trump thinks the election is in the bag and chose a successor. Vance doesnt help him at all electorally or in governance but strengthens his movement for 2028 more than Bergum would.

I think if the election was closer there would have been a different pick. This is an energy pick to keep fervor high not a nuanced tactical play to win votes in targeted blocs

Yeah I guess that’s why he had Amber Rose there. Do you fools even stop and think ?


Sep 15, 2014


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
I hate cacs like this goofy. Young in politics but looks 25 years older than his age. Claims all this white iq bs and we need more cac children then marries an Indian :mjlol:
I went to his Wikipedia page and I'm a year older than him but he looks like some 60 year old farmer who blames Obama for losing the family farm and beats his wife and children every night after a afternoon of drinking. :dahell: