Donald Trump leads Biden in 6 of 7 swing states (UPDATE: Voters believe Trump better for Americans)

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
Another thing I haven't mentioned, but doesn't add up is why is Biden outpacing Trump so much in fundraising? Obviously we know this doesn't guarantee anything, but once again I don't believe these polls.


I came from nothing
May 1, 2012
You nikkas just lying now. Or being gullible idiots. I live in Raleigh, went to NC State and ate at that Cookout on more Saturday nights than I'd like to admit. They don't even serve fried chicken... they damn sure don't serve steak. You nikkas just finding reasons to get mad about that mostly aren't true in the first place. Now, I'm almost positive this illegal freebie claim is bullshyt too.

Breh, pull your skirt down. You couldn't refute anything else I said but you were quick to jump on the cookout comment. You telling me cookout the only restaurant they had in Raleigh? He couldn't have brought some longhorn over? My point being, Im just tired of hearing and seeing the same pandering bullshyt from the Dems who then go one to pander to the Alphabet mafia (the gays). I just want real actionable items that they will take that will actually benefit African Americans. And youre talking to a lifelong Dem. I've only ever voted dem my whole life and im 35.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Breh, pull your skirt down. You couldn't refute anything else I said but you were quick to jump on the cookout comment. You telling me cookout the only restaurant they had in Raleigh? He couldn't have brought some longhorn over? My point being, Im just tired of hearing and seeing the same pandering bullshyt from the Dems who then go one to pander to the Alphabet mafia (the gays). I just want real actionable items that they will take that will actually benefit African Americans. And youre talking to a lifelong Dem. I've only ever voted dem my whole life and im 35.

What the actual fukk are you talking about? I talked about your dumbass Cookout comment because I have first hand knowledge of the establishment, and immediately knew it was bullshyt. The thing is when YOU make a claim about something, the onus is on you to also prove it's true or at least provide the evidence that it's likely true. But instead, here you are, grasping at straws, making whatever the fukk you can up so your belief that Biden and Democrats in general endlessly pander by using racial stereotypes or tropes. But unlike you, I don't just pull dumb shyt out of my ass that isn't proven to make a point. Anyone can easily find the video of Biden with that family and see that he and the dad ate burgers and the kids ordered chicken nuggets. THAT'S the smoking gun that proves Biden is a pandering racist? And no, they didn't go to other restaurants so your bullshyt narrative is confirmed.

If you 35 and a Democrat, you should be old enough and smart enough to know how stupid you look using logical fallacies and speaking on shyt you know nothing about. No one's gonna pat you on the back for critiquing this president, but if you don't want the world to think you're an idiot, you can atleast make sure the shyt you say is factual before spouting it. I don't have time to follow you around and fact check every bullshyt comment you feel the need to make, so please just shut the fukk up and let the adults talk. Take your L because you're embarrassing yourself.


I came from nothing
May 1, 2012
What the actual fukk are you talking about? I talked about your dumbass Cookout comment because I have first hand knowledge of the establishment, and immediately knew it was bullshyt. The thing is when YOU make a claim about something, the onus is on you to also prove it's true or at least provide the evidence that it's likely true. But instead, here you are, grasping at straws, making whatever the fukk you can up so your belief that Biden and Democrats in general endlessly pander by using racial stereotypes or tropes. But unlike you, I don't just pull dumb shyt out of my ass that isn't proven to make a point. Anyone can easily find the video of Biden with that family and see that he and the dad ate burgers and the kids ordered chicken nuggets. THAT'S the smoking gun that proves Biden is a pandering racist? And no, they didn't go to other restaurants so your bullshyt narrative is confirmed.

If you 35 and a Democrat, you should be old enough and smart enough to know how stupid you look using logical fallacies and speaking on shyt you know nothing about. No one's gonna pat you on the back for critiquing this president, but if you don't want the world to think you're an idiot, you can atleast make sure the shyt you say is factual before spouting it. I don't have time to follow you around and fact check every bullshyt comment you feel the need to make, so please just shut the fukk up and let the adults talk. Take your L because you're embarrassing yourself.

Seeing how we joined The Coli the same month, but you have 2K more messages with worse rep and damn near the same amount of Daps as I do tells me everything I need to know. Have a great day, Seek God.


Love Yourz
Apr 22, 2013
Another thing I haven't mentioned, but doesn't add up is why is Biden outpacing Trump so much in fundraising? Obviously we know this doesn't guarantee anything, but once again I don't believe these polls.

Maybe getting donations from weapon manufacturers :sas2:


Apr 24, 2017
Another thing I haven't mentioned, but doesn't add up is why is Biden outpacing Trump so much in fundraising? Obviously we know this doesn't guarantee anything, but once again I don't believe these polls.
hillary had more donations too

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
Romney had more than Obama and so did McCain :lupe:
No they didn't.

Dec. 5, 2008— -- He was not quite the first $1 billion president -- but he was three quarters of the way there.

In 21-plus months, Barack Obama raised roughly $750 million from donors, surpassing all of his White House opponents this year and also eclipsing the total amount of money raised by all of the presidential candidates combined in 2004.

McCain's fundraising for the 2008 cycle was not terrible. The Arizona senator raised a respectable $238 million from donors, in addition to the $84 million federal grant he received for participating in the public financing system.

In all, McCain had almost $50 million more to spend than George W. Bush did in 2004. Those were good overall numbers, but obviously not enough to compete with Obama's enormous fundraising prowess.

Source: Final Fundraising Figure: Obama's $750M

Obama: $1.123 billion vs. Romney: $1.019 billion. That's the final fundraising tally in the most expensive presidential election ever, according to reports filed Thursday with the Federal Election Commission by the rival campaigns and party committees.

Source: $1.123 billion vs.,rival campaigns and party committees.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
No they didn't.

Dec. 5, 2008— -- He was not quite the first $1 billion president -- but he was three quarters of the way there.

In 21-plus months, Barack Obama raised roughly $750 million from donors, surpassing all of his White House opponents this year and also eclipsing the total amount of money raised by all of the presidential candidates combined in 2004.

McCain's fundraising for the 2008 cycle was not terrible. The Arizona senator raised a respectable $238 million from donors, in addition to the $84 million federal grant he received for participating in the public financing system.

In all, McCain had almost $50 million more to spend than George W. Bush did in 2004. Those were good overall numbers, but obviously not enough to compete with Obama's enormous fundraising prowess.

Source: Final Fundraising Figure: Obama's $750M

Obama: $1.123 billion vs. Romney: $1.019 billion. That's the final fundraising tally in the most expensive presidential election ever, according to reports filed Thursday with the Federal Election Commission by the rival campaigns and party committees.

Source: $1.123 billion vs.,rival campaigns and party committees.

God damn. Why do people just throw out definitive statements when they can be easily verified lol

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
No they didn't.

Dec. 5, 2008— -- He was not quite the first $1 billion president -- but he was three quarters of the way there.

In 21-plus months, Barack Obama raised roughly $750 million from donors, surpassing all of his White House opponents this year and also eclipsing the total amount of money raised by all of the presidential candidates combined in 2004.

McCain's fundraising for the 2008 cycle was not terrible. The Arizona senator raised a respectable $238 million from donors, in addition to the $84 million federal grant he received for participating in the public financing system.

In all, McCain had almost $50 million more to spend than George W. Bush did in 2004. Those were good overall numbers, but obviously not enough to compete with Obama's enormous fundraising prowess.

Source: Final Fundraising Figure: Obama's $750M

Obama: $1.123 billion vs. Romney: $1.019 billion. That's the final fundraising tally in the most expensive presidential election ever, according to reports filed Thursday with the Federal Election Commission by the rival campaigns and party committees.

Source: $1.123 billion vs.,rival campaigns and party committees.
:hubie: I remember watching news back then and they both reported higher than obama

Guess I'm wrong


All Star
May 28, 2012
Seeing how we joined The Coli the same month, but you have 2K more messages with worse rep and damn near the same amount of Daps as I do tells me everything I need to know. Have a great day, Seek God.

nikka lmao go touch grass you p*ssy ass bytch. Like I give a fukk about daps and rep fishing. Clearly you do, so hold this neg, Lil boy. :russ: