You went astray here at the end. Obama's statement was that not using that word does not mean racism is over. You literally just agreed with him and then claimed that by using it in his example that he is somehow the problem. That does not make much sense. Obama literally urged that word alone is not the problem and the media focused on that word and you blamed him.
You took it the wrong way then, I wasn't blaming him AT ALL. He is a smart man and said what he said deliberately and for good reason.
I'm saying THEY are blaming him for "shaming the oval office" because him calling out the subliminal, undercurrent of racism in "post-racial" America where thug is the new ****** severely damages the image the Media is fighting so hard to project.
I agree with him whole hardheartedly, I just understand why it's become such a big deal.
The video I was talking about, where you had that black lady who was a "conservative" calling him the "rapper in chief", the white reporter immediately jumped to talking about how Obama is suggesting that white folks only avoid saying ****** out of politeness. He's offended that someone is pointing out the covert nature of modern day racism and how irrelevant how much you do or don't say that word is to your thoughts, actions and deeds.
Dude was boiling inside at the mere suggestion that "Americans" (white folk) are more afraid of looking like racists than actually being one...but that is indeed the case, that's a huge part of the problem IMO.
I was talking to my homeboy to day how the worst thing you could probably call a white person in America is a RACIST It's almost a racial slur in it's own right in this day and age.
That will get a white man flustered a hell of a lot quicker than "cac" "cracker" or any other silly name you could reach for. Nobody wants to address the shyt, and I understand...I really do, but we won't get this shyt out of our system until we begin having honest, rational conversations about it.