Don Lemon Fired From CNN

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
It'd be wild af if they had Nikki Haley live on a video call during his show and she calls him a fakkit :dead:

But he's right, she's :flabbynsick:

But they had all types of mayonnaise and sassafras leaking out there ears and pores over this one :mjlol:
Reminded me of this :dead:



Jul 25, 2018

A lotta people here (our passive Trump supporters of course) have implied that Lemon was only hired to be the anti-Trunp gay black male liberal poster child. I don't know where these folks are coming from. During the height of Trayvon, Michael Brown and all types of shyt, THIS is what I remember Lemon being. A unapologetic bougie black critic of black youth culture and politics. He also overcompensated a whole lot to show folks that he wont hold back criticism of Obama for being black, to the point where he would always bring up weak Fox News talking points. Lemon was the stuck up "black friend" that all the condescending white folks can point to as an example of a good black who works hard, doesnt make excuses, and takes accountability. He was one of the main devils advocates always bringing up "black on black crime" and "rap lyrics" and other right wing talking points during the height of protests. He was harsh where even his white counterparts were sympathetic or at least in fear of being critical and accused of racism.

Then when Trump got elected that was the wake up call for the clown to realize white racism is very real and he is fukking useless as a black man on TV doing nothing but speaking for white people and against other black people on current issues. I think even he had some reflection spending the past ten years overcompensating hard to prove he can be objective towards the black community and President Obama, only for the white people he sucked up to to go ahead and surround themselves around a clearly unqualified bigot without a care in the world for any truth, or facts, or the direction of their country, just defeating others. Huge wake up call for his ass.

Then suddenly he made this full pivot from being objective critic of the black community and black culture to putting on nightly poetry jams on the struggles of black people, "Trump lies," white racism, and white supremacy.

Then he got caught up in the Jussie Smollet thing which is the real reason I believe he lost his anchor seat. What a stupid embarrassment.

Then CNN starts this mediocre morning show that's has had no focus whatsoever since it started, thinking a gay black man with a history of insensitive and pretentious political takes, accustomed to working solo, would do well on a desk with two other anchors, on a show where they are encourage to speak more bluntly and openly than they would a prime time for that "morning show" type of atmosphere.

Lemon is a stuck up cat who has been blessed with a career he didn't deserve. He has always wanted to be "provocative" and "edgy" in expressing his opinions and got so many second chances to do so. I think dude is cooked. Its sad that CNN and NBC news anchors are held to far higher standards than Fox News, who say sexist and racist "anti-PC" shyt every damn second. But this guy has run up all his luck.

I wouldn't be shocked if MSNBC scoops him up tho. Even if it's just a Contributor position. This ain't the worst controversy for a former CNN anchor to get caught in and he still has a lot of life left in his media career.
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