Doesnt it seem like White people have not a worry in this world?

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Another thing, when I got to college, I got exposed to some real rich cacs. Not the "my dad works at [nice firm]" cacs but, "my dad is a diplomat" cacs. You really start to understand why there's a wealth gap. I went to one school in the DC area. My best friend went to another. Rich kids galore. Mostly white. And Id roll through every other weekend.

One of my homie's white friends......his dad works for a Hedge Fund. He grew up in Grenwich, I didnt even have to ask if he was loaded or not. I could just tell he was how he talked :snoop: Another friend, his dad is a huge entertainment lawyer in Hollywood. He paid for a $300 dinner one time. Had a fly ass condo off campus. Another friend, his dad was a consulate for an embassy for some European country or something like that. I never was around when my boy went over there but, he told me the embassy was :damn:. This other girl, wasn't his friend but, they graduated the same year. This bytch sold her company for $100 million before graduating college :whew: She was only able to start that company because she had an older brother who graduated from Harvard who could afford to loan his 16 yo kid sister (at the time) $150,000 to start some dumbass internet site :childplease: Going back to the first friend, he majored in complete bullshyt completely unrelated to finance but, he got a $125,000 position at a major wall street bank fresh out of school. I wonder if his father had anything to do with that :childplease:

I grew up in the hood nikka. We aint have all these opportunities. Its a struggle just to get to college :dead: When you get around these rich kids, you see why shyt is the way it is. How hard is your life when you have VP's & CFO's for fathers and family members to loan you 100,000's of dollars for business ideas :snoop:

two world's of extreme, though both could learn from each other.


May 16, 2012
Only 1% of the US population has any real power. So they use the institution of racism to keep the other 99% divided so they are easier to conquer by that 1%. The 1% cannot control the masses by force so they institute race, religion, class, political parties etc to keep us divided amongst ourselves. Racism was designed to fool white people into thinking they have power and in turn keep their morale up. White people are the poorest people in the country, the largest receivers of welfare in the country and they acquire the most debt but the reason they can survive is solely based on the false belief that their skin, for no reason at all, makes them better than people of color. Remember the lowest point of white morale in the history of America was between the end of slavery and the beginning of jim crow. Remember 80% of slave owners lived in poverty so you take away their right to own a person and they had no real power over the people they once owned. Ya'll nikkas really need to watch Hidden Colors part 1 & 2 so ya'll can have some real knowledge of self and stop all this goddamn message board c00ning.

Powerful posting right here breh...all this woe is me white people got it so good shyt :snoop:. Yea u ain't gonna make it to the 1% but neither is the redneck living in a trailer who votes republican every year cause he thinks he's better than the nikka on welfare. Whites want you to think they have all the power and money just because of their skin color and yall are just feeding into it.

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
Powerful posting right here breh...all this woe is me white people got it so good shyt :snoop:. Yea u ain't gonna make it to the 1% but neither is the redneck living in a trailer who votes republican every year cause he thinks he's better than the nikka on welfare. Whites want you to think they have all the power and money just because of their skin color and yall are just feeding into it.

Exactly, look at Mississippi. It is the poorest state in the country yet they vote mostly conservative and thats crazy. Them white folks would rather Mitt Romney in office than Obama even tho barack's policies would benefit them more. They put racism over there need to survive.


Jun 19, 2012
the only worry they don't have.

The white kid could be a ex-con, drug addict a high school dropout, but he or she more likely would get the job over a brother who has a degree from stanford or harvard and no criminal record..

white people got the complexison of protection for the collection - paul mooney



May 17, 2012
the internet
Not every white person is rich....its just most rich people are white.

If you white, ambitious & smart, the world is your oyster.

Like for example, I was reading that story about that 17 yo kid who's smartphone company just got purchased by Yahoo for $30MM. Kid was like "If you have an idea, just do it" :rudy: Whole time Im thinking about the angel investors & venture capital firms who poured millions & hundreds of thousands of dollars into his venture. I just have a real hard time believing they'd give Raheem from Richmond $500,000 or so :mjpls: I know I'm being defeatist here but.........I've NEVER heard anything about any blacks doing it big in Silicon Valley. Ever. That's just one example of white people & how their opportunities are different.
See, this is the problem w/ black people.
I hear stuff like this all the time, but IT IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD!!!
The only thing keeping you back is your brain and the feeling that the world is against you. If you blame every set back on being black then you limit your potential.

Examples of black people in business:
This guy started as a teenager and got money from that kills your point already.
Ascension Air: Just Don’t Say ‘No’ – with Jamail Larkins | Business Tips

Alex Sampson (his business is making 7figures)
Learn to Play Awesome Bass for Any Song Completely By Ear, In Just 3 Simple Steps

John Lawson (eCommerce)
Interviewed by eBay Guru John Lawson About BigCommerce 6

Rohan Gilkes
Meet Rohan Gilkes, A One-Man Army

Wil Reynols (SEER Interactive | Industry Leading SEO, SEM, Analytics Consultants)

I could go on and on and on.
All these cats except one of them are millionaires. They made it because they didnt think being black was a set back...they made it because they worked their ass off and are smart.
In this day in age the black collective mindset is what is holding us back...we are lazy like the average American and complain complain complain too much.
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john goodman

All Star
May 1, 2012
I'd say Jewish.
You ever seen a poor Jewish family?

Every poor Jewish person gets handed a debit card from bnai birth with access to money it seems

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

Somewhat true

Jewish charity system is pretty extensive... if someone needs help they can get it no prob

All poor jews I know have mental issues (my aunt) or are addicts

There are poor elderly jews but if they dont get hooked up by family then theres a bunch of charities that will help
Dec 29, 2012
Doesnt it seem like White people have not a worry in this world?

Sometimes. Seeming can be deceiving, though. In much the same way many Black people and families seem like everything is rosy. Every tribe has worries.

I'd say Jewish.
You ever seen a poor Jewish family?

Every poor Jewish person gets handed a debit card from bnai birth with access to money it seems

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

I've seen a poor Jewish family. I worked with a guy from one of those in Manchester.

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
As someone who grew up in and lives in predominately white neighborhoods I will say this. A lot of the white people who grew up with the same amount of resources as myself for the most part don't know how much it costs to be them. My parents busted their asses to get what they got and they instilled to me since I was was about 8 that I was not the one with the money. They were.

To a lot of my white classmates, friends and colleagues to this day them asking their parents for money is no different than me getting up and going to work. Even if my parents were rich I knew that that wouldn't make me rich by default and if I wanted to get what I wanted that I had to work for it. Basically what I'm saying is even though I grew up in the burbs and my parents are well off I'm not spoiled and I don't live in some fantasy where if I fukk up I can always run to my parents to save me. A lot of the white people I know would fukk up all their opportunities and then the reset button would get pushed by them running home to their parents for help. I could also dive into the fact that white people have better established networks to the point that even if they don't ask their parents for help there is someone else somewhere within their network who can save them.

They don't know what it COSTS to be them.


Mar 2, 2013
As someone who grew up in and lives in predominately white neighborhoods I will say this. A lot of the white people who grew up with the same amount of resources as myself for the most part don't know how much it costs to be them. My parents busted their asses to get what they got and they instilled to me since I was was about 8 that I was not the one with the money. They were.

To a lot of my white classmates, friends and colleagues to this day them asking their parents for money is no different than me getting up and going to work. Even if my parents were rich I knew that that wouldn't make me rich by default and if I wanted to get what I wanted that I had to work for it. Basically what I'm saying is even though I grew up in the burbs and my parents are well off I'm not spoiled and I don't live in some fantasy where if I fukk up I can always run to my parents to save me. A lot of the white people I know would fukk up all their opportunities and then the reset button would get pushed by them running home to their parents for help. I could also dive into the fact that white people have better established networks to the point that even if they don't ask their parents for help there is someone else somewhere within their network who can save them.

They don't know what it COSTS to be them.

Good example right here, suburban black guy who had solid upbringing...homie u may not know but there are hundreds of thousands of whites u doing better than cross the country

Yeah u doing better than Billy in Little Rock, u doing better than Cody in Twins falls.....not saying u are a better person or that they better but your situation better

all white ppl don't got bread BELIEVE ME

u think all white ppl got big piggy banks they run too? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha u n'gaz is crazy

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
Good example right here, suburban black guy who had solid upbringing...homie u may not know but there are hundreds of thousands of whites u doing better than cross the country

Yeah u doing better than Billy in Little Rock, u doing better than Cody ib Twins falls.....not saying u are a better person of that they better but your situation better

all white ppl don't got bread BELIEVE ME

u think all white ppl got big piggy banks they run too? Ha ha ha ha ha ha havga u n'gaz is crazy

Trust me I know that. Hence why I used the qualifier of "whites who grew up similar to myself."

As for the white people who are broke, as fukked up as this may sound a lot of them feel like they AREN'T at ground zero because in their minds they can be as poor as ever but at the end of the day say "at least we ain't down there with those black folks." shyt a lot of poor white people can see a black man who is doing BETTER than them and in their minds they feel that their whiteness alone places them higher on the socioeconomic totem pole than black people period.


Mar 2, 2013
I'd say Jewish.
You ever seen a poor Jewish family?

Every poor Jewish person gets handed a debit card from bnai birth with access to money it seems

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

A poor Jewish family? Try about part of cities nation wide that have lower income Jewish communities.....people really need to travel......sh1t sad 4 real


Mar 2, 2013

Trust me I know that. Hence why I used the qualifier of "whites who grew up similar to myself."

As for the white people who are broke, as fukked up as this may sound a lot of them feel like they AREN'T at ground zero because in their minds they can be as poor as ever but at the end of the day say "at least we ain't down there with those black folks." shyt a lot of poor white people can see a black man who is doing BETTER than them and in their minds they feel that their whiteness alone places them higher on the socioeconomic totem pole than black people period.

F'u'c'k what they think tho.....they not a factor to your success or to your life f'em


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Eastern European Jews arent caking like that breh.

havent got their debit card yet

i grew up in a city that was 40% jewish, went to a 90% jewish hs

i remember how these folks like in gr 10 would have fundraisers and raise liek 50k for a jewish chairty just like 60 jewish kids:why: