Does the white man really LOVE to see blacks fail?


May 20, 2012
the violence game is derived from the poverty game is derived from the slavery game.

there will always be hoods, ghettos. but if all things were equal. if blacks were truly treated equally in the us of a. we would need special treatment in order to catchup on every level. in addition to heavy counseling about everything.

there are some people that dont even like their own skin because of white supremacy has made us believe WHITE is RIGHT, and BLACK is Bad. White girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, rail thin is beautiful.

Dark skin sister that has a figure is Fat and less attractive.

natural hair on black woman is less attractive. who do you think taught blacks this? not africans that were never colonized. WHITES did.

BIg Black guy is scary
smaller lighter complexion guy is nicer.

who taught us this? WHITE people.

we're all mammals folks. which means just like lab rats and dogs. we can also be trained to an extent.

you put humans in a box for long enough, even when you open the box up. they wont leave the box to be free. and even if a couple try to hit the door. the rest of the people that have been brainwashed into believing they cant leave. will pull the other person back and tell them"nucca where you think you going? you can't leave. even if you get outside they will put you back in here"

because its what we have been trained to believe for 500 years. thats a long time to train someone and to expect a couple of years of semi freedom and half equality is supposed to change that. its even foolish to believe White people could stop being racist over night as well. they need just as much counseling about being evil and racist/selfish to their fellow countrymen that are 99 % just like them on a DNA level.

Why do black folks FLOSS/and STUNT so much? because we have to portray an image as if we FEEL Great, LOOK great on the outside. because on the inside we hate ourselves. we hate having to deal with racism. we hate having to deal with one another knowing good and well we are all retarded to one degree or another all behind racism/slavery.
its just like when you see that boxer that just got stung by a nice punch and he starts smiling :lolbron: . he's greenin on the outside knowing good and well one more punch and he's outta there on the inside.

I see where your coming from and I used to think like this BUT I realized the same people who caused me problems were the same people who would say exactly what you're saying when a white person disses us which had me be real with myself and say if they KNOW where their problems come from why can't they change themselves and stop beefing over nonsense just like I did?

What I don't get is how can you blame someone yet still do the things you complain about. Older people who wasn't into learning all this stuff and knew where their bullshyt came form and didn't have a knowledge of who they were(history), I give a pass but from the 80's on I don't give pass anymore because like I stated if you can TELL me things that causes our problems when a white person talks bad about us why can't you NOT do these things when it's just you around your own people?.

We are on a computer on the internet discussing this and when we want to hear or see people like us we go to B.E.T. or youtube or any album we want. It wasn't like this at one time, shyt you hear a song you liked back then and KNOW it's a black person when you went to buy the song they made the group all white so I can understand why they felt a certain way but NOW, Get out of here with that. Not when you have towns like Baltimore that is run mostly by black people and they still shytting on each other. I know where the problems stem but that can't be an excuse no more when you have resources to change.

Is it that people don't want to change or is it they don't want to let go of the pain they are used to because they are scared of something new and don't believe in themselves which again is nobodies fault but their own.

Bullshyt people are always going to fukk with you, in our case other races, but if you have tools to fight back why not use them and instead make up reasons why you are fighting each other.