Savage vs HBK 1992 in the UK for Savage's world title.
Ain't no fukking Undertaker match considered the best ever..they tried to push Taker vs Punk as better than Rock vs Austin before Punk left and the crowd booed it harder than Cena that night.
Bret Hart on the record saying that match alone got him back into wrestling
Many have said its the perfect match
not really because then there's gonna be the bias of which wrestler said person group up on since they're from different erasokay but of the 2 who had the BIGGEST and most MEMORABLE matches.
you could've made the argument that savage was the bigger wrestling star than michaels even before he died, and mind you his last match was more than 10 years ago.
that has to count for something.
not really because then there's gonna be the bias of which wrestler said person group up on since they're from different eras
I agree on how you describin em.... I'm just sayin its kinda hard to go off who had the better matches depending on who's the bigger staryea but 20 years from now macho may STILL be the bigger star.
to this day people still try and do macho man impressions.
you ever see someone try and imitate shawn michaels? lol is it even possible?
lol that's how separate the good from the great imo. all those middle of the road guys, the brets, the hbk's... those guys had no larger than life personalities to latch onto. the hogans, the warriors, the austins, the rocks, the flairs, the machos... you could actually try and imitate them. they were one of a kind performers.
I agree on how you describin em.... I'm just sayin its kinda hard to go off who had the better matches depending on who's the bigger star
That's like saying John Cena has better matches in his career than Chris Jericho
Is Bret the most bitter guy in the world or is his word the authority? Which is it this week?
Macho turning face in LA at WM 7 is bigger than Michaels career..the Cobra bite angle is more legendary than Shawn Michaels in general.
Man, Savage vs. Steamboat at Wrestlemania 3 is probably one of the most overhyped matches of all time. I was so disappointed when I finally watched that match. The "One of the best matches of all time" hype killed it, the match was just...okay. Savage has had plenty of matches better than that. I liked Savage vs. Hogan at Mania 5 more.
HBK has the better classic catalog.
Mach has the better catalog of angles.
At the end of day, you can make an argument for either one being better than the other.
You Savage stans, I swear
The facking COBRA BITE ANGLE. Apparently the litmus test for LEGENDARY status is a few threads on the Coli saying "Hey remember that time Macho Man was bitten by Jake the Snake's snake? Wasn't that cool?"
Next contenders for LEGENDARY status:
That time Andre the Giant was frightened of a snake
That time Warrior was laying in a coffin
That time Sid was dapping people during his entrance
That time The Rock glided while doing the people's elbow
It was a great match imo, and groundbreaking for its time and era, dudes weren't moving at that fast pace in the ring with that kind of psychology back then, wrestling was the land of the giants,Man, Savage vs. Steamboat at Wrestlemania 3 is probably one of the most overhyped matches of all time. I was so disappointed when I finally watched that match. The "One of the best matches of all time" hype killed it, the match was just...okay. Savage has had plenty of matches better than that. I liked Savage vs. Hogan at Mania 5 more.