It hasn't been proven. Its not that it "can't" be proven. Thats your problem.It is an absolute statement that can be proven (it's actually pretty much the only thing that can be proven). You are confusing "nothing" with "true nothing"/"absolute nothing."
Prove that such a thing is "universal" and we can move on.A b s o l u t e l y n o t h i n g mean that a b s o l u t e l y n o "t h i n g" exists anywhere. Get that down. It is a universal statement by definition. Get that down.
this makes no sense, but whatever at this pointIf s o m e t h i n g exists (and that s o m e t h i n g can be anything whatsoever) that necessitates that absolutely nothing cannot exist
Arriving at the notion something exists doesn't mean "nothing can't exist"
The claims are mutually exclusive of each other.
Prove it.universally (because if some thing exists then that means that absolutely nothing cannot exist.
Agreed.Some thing is different than nothing.
I don't want to pull out my dictionary and define what words mean to you, but it may need to be done at this point).
A dictionary won't save you from speaking in absolutes.
If you weren't so committed to speaking in absolutes, you wouldn't have a problem.I think I know how you feel when you talk to people about religion. You're being impossible to talk to about this topic and refuse to use any sort of logic or evidence.