he's gotta be talking about this....
being as humble, yet proud as I can be, my family is from this lineage. long story short, my American family's progenitor was never a slave and came here and was granted a large land mass (for black people at that time) and formed a small community as some of the Native's (Tuscarora) and other blacks (some slaves, some mixed with white) married into. My family name is Moore. (derived from him, the first Moor that we can trace back to. the "E" was added later) My aunts and grandmothers used to tell us vague stories all the time when we were growing up and we never knew what they were talking about until we became adults and started studying. It does give you a great sense of pride knowing your heritage, particularly if it is one courage. Yes, some of my ancestor's were slaves, but I do know some of them were rulers and plenty adept at warring.