Wsup with talented half ADOs kids being pushed towards their moms ethnicity. I am seeing it with the NBA with all the new “Filipino” players 

You thought a guy named Lamont Marcell Jacobs was pure Italian?
Im guessing this dude spent at least part of his youth in Italy?
This an odd looking Norwegian
He looks black IMO
Thanks. Makes sense.
It depends. This man is a black man. He’s black american, or would be eligible for reparations.
Switch the word "white" with the word "European" in your brain
White is some kind of value judgement. As is Black. Seeing as how all of us are different shades of Brown. Halle Berry might be lighter than Snookie, for instance.
European is more accurate. No value, just geography
All I know is, I can't think of a single Italian that would be given an N-word pass. Not John Gotti, Frank Sinatra, Sylvester Stallone, Andrew Cuomo, Dan Marino, Chris Christie, etc.
Not a single one.