Not diminishing the issue. I think it was a bad move for Republicans to lean in on this issue and it will probably cost them the election.It's a women's issue period. But this thread was made in an attempt to diminish the issue because you know the Republicans have been losing on this issue.
Not diminishing the issue. I think it was a bad move for Republicans to lean in on this issue and it will probably cost them the election.
I was just noticing that the DNC last night focused a lot on that in terms of policy.
the funny part is, when you ask me to think about it.... i know more men that wanted the abortion than women![]()
I have had two hoes get abortionsone was in Cali and the other went to Mexico .
I don't want more kids nikka.
That doesn't make sense.
The same women that get abortions still end up having kids later on anyway.
Forcing black women to have kids they're not ready to have is an actual roundabout way of committing genocide when you consider how those kids end up being raised.
I'm pro choiceHave strong standpoints about reproductive topics without women inputs brehs.
They don't report abortions done by private institutions. Black people will always be higher in percentage when reporting on stats of public institutions. Why? Price/Access. When services are cheaper or easily accessible to lower class communities, they will always be #1.No black women have the most by far going by percentage. I wish they would have less but abortion should be legal and accessible.
How does something not make sense when it’s the truth about how plan parenthood started
Forcing black women to have kids? Didn’t nobody tell people to have unprotected sex, Black people been raising kids broke for a long time and manage to raise good kids, that’s a bullshyt excuse, I don’t understand how people co-sign getting abortions like it’s some get out of jail free card, black American people numbers are low because of that goofy ass mentality and y’all will be the same ones on here talking about black people not wanting to be accountable
Gettin an abortion because you don’t want a baby is the complete opposite of being accountable for your actions
Agreed. Only white women have or are worried about reproduction rights/care.