Finally someone making sense. This is what someone who can study, analyze, and come to his own conclusions looks like. Dudes up in here are so brainwashed by ultra right wing white boy rhetoric about liberals and trans people they forget the part where they are working over time spreading and upholding their bullshyt ideology under the fake guise of family.
Conservatives worship Trump. They can care less about some lifestyle of morals and family. Just control and power.
These dudes really think you can't fight for change, freedom and rights and value family and "traditions" at the same time. They really bought into this John Borch society crap that anyone fighting for the freedoms and rights of others must be against "family traditions."
Simple minded niccas.
Where's the line drawn though? let's keep it a buck with the history or America and us as black folks for what we had to go through what's the complete endgame here? Liberal idealogies sound good on paper, they really do but the problem is money isn't created by such people, they don't control the economy, they don't understand life outside of America and they can't control the actions of other presidents.
So what's the goal? Racism is bad? Yes and what's next? Get rid of racism? Yes, what about classism? what about people who want to live away from __________ groups or high crime areas? What about people that just want to work, go home and chill with family? Is all that conservative talking points? You want a diverse America where everyone wants the bag when it's only a certain amount of money out there to make and jobs are going overseas in favor of cheaper labor, so who's going to sacrifice here because someone has to do it.
You don't get it, while the conservative party is rooted in racism, the core idealogies aren't. Rich actors walk around looking dusty all day, these white actors people worship walk around fat and out of shape when they not active in roles and have to lose weight to get a part. Michael B. Jordan gets roided up to play roles, he's not a big dude you can see in his face, dude is roided heavy to act. Same with musicians, all this is a illusion, the core is what alot of people value.
You right I'm simple minded, most men are the problem is the illusion is dying, GOP needs poor for military and Dems push a world that sounds great on paper, but in reality is pretty unrealistic overall, someone gotta pick up the trash, someone gotta wear the $5 thrift shop clothes at the end of the day.
The GOP won't ever go away because they really attract what alot of folks feel just the racism kills them at the end of the day and the only way or reason they get called out on it is because it messes up the money, it's not like they care about the nigra, it's the money they don't want to lose.