Are we combing through years of peoples tweets to try to find the word
All right. I'll bite.
Are these Black people that are being "busted" typing it with "er" at the end instead of "a"?
If these Black people would have typed "niqqa" instead then that would be allowable?
I don't think you can split the hair that many ways.
Logic says that you either have to be against the usage of the word
Niqqa / Niqqer / Nikka / Ninja and every mispronounciation and spelling variant
You're okay with people using it.
This is logic. It's a form of math and it cannot be argued with.
There is only "A" and "not A". Left handed people and non left handed people. Turtles and non turtles. Works in every possible example. Cause its math.
Of the group who thinks its okay to use the word: either you think everyone can use it freely, or you think that only some people are allowed to say it (another one of those logical mathematical statements that CANNOT be argued against)
we tend to fall into the group that thinks some people (read: Black Americans. Some allow other groups of African descent to use it, too) are allowed to and some aren't.
So if OP qualifies as a Black American, we are actually enforcing a spell check on every instance of him or anyone he knows typing the word out?