Even when you get the simping out of your system, there's always going to be a chick out there who has the genetic makeup & chemistry to test your progress.That's just the way the universe works.I just had to move on from a chick who I thought was perfect for me.Everything about this chick was adorable to me.From the way she looked to the way she smelled.Box always smelled pristine no matter the situation.Even her hairline & the way the follicles grew out of her head was captivating to me.She had so much feminine charm/grace.The kind that brings out your protective instincts & makes you understand why some men refer to their girl as "Baby".
Just a preciousness that pulls a strong affection out of you.I could catch this chick drooling in her sleep, and it would still be the most adorable shyt to me.We even had the same birthday.The shyt just felt like it was meant to be.Kindred spirits.Soul ties...I felt myself growing weak(Simping impulses).Thought I'd never go through that shyt again.With other chicks, I had no problem staying detached, but the universe decided to test me with this one.Another blow.Another lesson.Unfortunately, her problem was escapism.She was running from the pain of her childhood.Coupled with having an addictive personality, her brain got hijacked by Fentanyl.And that's the way I have to end this story