America became a super power bc of the industrial revolution and the Atomic bomb (among many other things) not Slavery![]()

America became a super power bc of the industrial revolution and the Atomic bomb (among many other things) not Slavery![]()
Ya'll are crazy i thought it was common knowledge they forced sex to produce the strongest slaves.
They forced the women to have sex with whoever they thought could produce the best stock.
The slaves were experimented on especially pregnant women because they wanted to test the fetus.
I think people underestimate how terrible slavery actually was and the effect it could have to Africa Americans today.
To have your wife raped everyday by your fellow slave to the house master only to produce a child you have to then raise. To not be able to protect your women child and maybe your own manhood(they raped men).
Those raped women then had to raise their child produced by rape and watch as their men couldn't protect them.
Mind you non of these slaves received any counseling they were just sent off.
It truly is a huge mind fukk to think about.
Only a small percentage of slaves arrived in America via the slave trade. Most slaves were American-born - re: bred. And no, none (if any) were allowed to choose their sexual partners.
Uh, no, Darwin's theory of evolution didn't even come out until after slavery ended.
Every species of horse/livestock that's selectively bred is one that matures in just a few years.
The problem with humans is that it takes 15 years to mature. Average slaveowner probably has his slaves for 30-40 years at most...that's only 2 generations. They ain't going to be thinking about possibly having a better slave 50 years from now when they ready to die. Greedy b*stards aren't planning ahead thinking about their great-great-grandchildren like all that.
In India and Thailand, they've been using elephants for thousands of years. Yet Asian Elephants used for work in Asia are EXACTLY the same as Asian Elephants in the wild. They've never been selectively bred for any useful traits because it just takes them too fukking long to grow up. It's easier to just take what's available - no one is going to do a bunch of work for 50 years just in the "hope" that you might get a slightly better product by the time you're dead.
Exactly. It probably happened here or there, but made shyt nothing of a difference.
This is just ridiculous. American science was way ahead of the rest of the world in the 1700s and early 1800s? What have you been smoking? Do you think that Newton, Volta, Watt, Dalton, Anders, or Darwin were Americans? And America wasn't a "superpower" until long after slavery was over.
Europe, especially England and Germany and to some extent Italy, was easily the center of the scientific world from the beginning of the scientific revolution all the way into the early 1900s. Even in the late 1800s, well after slavery was over, most of the greatest American scientists (Alexander Graham Bell, Nicolai Tesla) were immigrants who had been trained in Europe first. Hell, the Manhattan Project in the 1940s was 70-80% immigrants at the top levels. America has only very, very recently emerged as a scientific power.
And that wiki article was one of the most useless ones I've seen. There was exactly ONE quote from a slave claiming that selective breeding happened, and ONE historian vouching for it, while TWO historians were quoted arguing against it. Not exactly a case for some advanced, long-term selective breeding program.
Slave owners cared about numbers far more than some pie-in-the-sky idea of genetic improvements hundreds of years in the future.
America became a super power bc of the industrial revolution and the Atomic bomb (among many other things) not Slavery![]()
Gotcha. What are your sources though?
Only a small percentage of slaves arrived in America via the slave trade. Most slaves were American-born - re: bred. And no, none (if any) were allowed to choose their sexual partners.
Most all slaves in the USA arrived in America via the slave trade and there was no selection of athleticism within the African American slave population that would have an effect today. Slavemasters probably didn't apply any Darwinian principles to African slaves on a large scale as slaves were expensive and breeding slaves for athletic purposes would take widespread coordination and Darwinian knowledge, neither of which the bulk of slavemasters possessed.
I actually went to good schools.
Not true.
Why don't you go use my good sis, Google, and go education yourself instead of spreading misinformation.
Not true.
Why don't you go use my good sis, Google, and go education yourself instead of spreading misinformation.
IF most blacks didnt come here as slaves then HOW did they get here in enmasse?
Go do your own research; I don't work for free. Only a tiny portion of African slaves ended up in the UNITED STATES. The number of slaves and black people in this country grew within that time period via REPRODUCTION.