That's not completely true. A few days before he was assassinated, some people firebombed his house - his 4 yr old daughter was almost killed, and his wife , other members of his family could have been fatally hurt. (Malcolm never drank alcohol but there was a Molotov cocktail in his daughters room for which a witness saw the NYFD put it there). Rather than risk their lives any further, or put them in harm's way, he sacrificed his safety in order to benefit his family. He knew that his time was coming but if he had to go out, he was going out on his own not at the sake of his family. He knew that the NYPD, NYFD, and the feds all were working together, and colluding for his demise, he knew the Nation turned on him -with all the conspiring , so he had no real protection regardless.Malcolm had his security stand down during his final speeches. He knew he was a dead man walking.
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