Da Spice...
- Da whole movie in general was pure but when dat old sista was givin da "back story" about da creature in Jeepers Creepers. I just sat dere listenin to dat shyt like bish you caint be fukkin surrus wit dis bullshyt.
Vin Diesel in "A Man Apart". Just corny all the way though.
- Da whole movie in general was pure but when dat old sista was givin da "back story" about da creature in Jeepers Creepers. I just sat dere listenin to dat shyt like bish you caint be fukkin surrus wit dis bullshyt.
Halie Berry in X-Men......everything said/done was just
(Bad writing and casting)
I recently watched menace 2 society for the first time in years. I never realized it, but the majority of Caines lines are cringe worthy
The Fast and the Furious - Seriously, this has to be the worst. Way too many to mention because 99% of the lines in this shyt makes me . Like when Vin Diesel finished the race and was making his big speech and all the dikkriding spectators were going "ooh" and "aah" in sequence like some broadway musical.
Also everything that came out of Ja Rule's corny ass mouth and Paul Walker's "no crust on the sandwich" with that cheesy smile.
Not to forget that Korean dude who was like "the cops busted into my house. Disrespected my family because someone narked me out and you know what? IT WAS YOU!!" Dude couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag with scissors in his hands.
A History Of Violence - When the son was like "since you're a gangster, if I rob a store will you ground me if I don't give you a piece of the action?"
Romeo Must Die - When Aaliyah's coworker was all like "oooh good, work it out. Your brother's in the back".
Or when when dude was like "you know I got ideas. It's like sheeeit, fukk it. I AM an idea." Just for that alone he deserved to get thrown out the window.
Add on....
one of my least favorite lines in recent memory was in "Due Date" when Zach says "You better check yourself before you wreck yourself." im still cringing. i love when song lyrics are used is dialogue, but that was just terrible, needs subtlety