I'ma tell you this...Was it bad compared to 2?
PC gamers hold Diablo 2 in incredibly high regard.
On PC, I don't recall ever playing Diablo 1 and I barely touched Diablo 2.
I've been a console gamer for the majority of my life. My first real hands-on experience with Diablo was Diablo 3 and I absolutely loved that game.
As a person that was only vaguely familiar with D2, I purchased it day one off the excitement I had from D3.
PC brehs are gonna tase me for this but so be it; D3 is a more enjoyable experience to me that D2. Significantly more enjoyable.
The pacing of D2 is much slower, movement is more limited, visually D3 is better, and the gameplay loop of D2 is more grind heavy as it's quicker to punish you if you aren't properly leveled or have your character's gear set up.
I can see why the game is special to most PC gamers especially those that remember playing it when it first released.
D3 brought a lot of quality of life improvements that felt missing when playing D2 on console. Now I'm not saying the game is bad at all; it's just quite different, and depending what you personally liked about D3, D2 might not be for you at all.
D3 was special to me also because it has 4 player local co-op. It's one of the few games I've been able to pull the whole family together on one screen and we play through and entire game multiple times and have a blast.
I would say since you're only familiar with D3, cop D2 on sale or rent it if you can, because I'm willing to bet you won't like it as much.
I'll let the PC brehs break down in detail why D3 sucks. I enjoyed it thoroughly.