The riots is what set the wheels in motion to the decline the city. Hopefully everything details wise is depicted correctly. The story needs to be known.
The riots is what set the wheels in motion to the decline the city. Hopefully everything details wise is depicted correctly. The story needs to be known.
the local abc channel ran a documentary on Sunday called 12th and Clairmount. Never had heard of it and it was half way through by the time i turned it on but it talked about the almost all white police force and the big four tactics they used. Dont know for sure if I will see this yet.
At the screening now at the Detroit fox theatre. Bunch of the cast was taking pics but the press was over them. Can't see nothing will post my thoughts when I get a chance.
So how was the movie?
Mad they have a white woman telling our story though. I just don't think it would be told properly and would have some type of boogieman black men in it
So how was the movie?
Mad they have a white woman telling our story though. I just don't think it would be told properly and would have some type of boogieman black men in it
MINOR SPOILERS. Read at your own risk. WOn't give a full review because I'm tired but I'll add some more stuff in the coming days. First off, Michael Eric Dyson is annoying. This niguh was talking for like 5 minutes sucking off the director. Calling her a genius, a hero. Then quoting lyrics from 4:44, which half the people didn't get because them niguhs was old in there. I'm talking like 50's and 60's old. Then she came up. Not sure how tall she is but she made Dyson look like a midget. Movie basically start off wit the riots and giving us an intro the police. Now, the police potrayal in here will be controversial. There are some good cops but very few. Some are just straight up racist, while others are like cops are potrayed today. Just so called ignorant in how they police and consequences are deadly.
The movie in some points felt like I was watching New Edition part 2, with that Ralph Trevant niguh singing throughout the film. My favorite actor in here wasn't John Boyega (sp). It actually was Jacob Latimore. I liked him in Slight and I like him in this. He's just consistent to me. Will Pouter (spoiler) was an over the top villian. It works and I can see people hating him from now on because of this film. Movie was basically divided into 3 acts
The riots, the Algier motel and then the trial of the officers
The movie was almost 2 1/2 long which to me was too long. Some stuff they spent time with could have been cut way short.
The main thing that hurts this film is the poetic license in telling the story. Even though they warn you in the end that some stuff was recreated for dramatic effect, at times it comes off inauthentic. Especially some of the stuff Black people said. At some parts I was like "Ain't no Black person gonna be this dumb" And even some of the things they said felt like they was putting 2017 into 1967. Overall though, despite it's flaws, I'd still recommending seeing it. It's very rare you see cops portrayed the way they were in this film. Blue Live Matter will be mad. Last gripe
The niguh was potrayed as a hero. But with the real story it's controversial whether he was actually part of the plot or not.
I know they wanted it released with the anniversary of the riots but it felt more like a Fall, Oscar bait film. Not a summer film at all. I'm sure all the fans of hers will love the camera work. From the shakey camera to the various close ups.
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