Tassi coming through with his quarterly "BUNGIE DOESN'T TELL US ANYTHING!!!!

He's not an idiot, so I really don't understand how he hasn't figured out that when it comes to non expansion seasons, the seasonal reset IS the promo. No matter how much everyone bytches, damn near every single streamer is going to put in a solid eight plus hours tomorrow to blow through a week of content in a day (only to complain about content drip a few days later), and that will drive any purchases of this season that haven't already been made.
Most of the players are burned out on the seasonal model right now anyway, so doing a full promo cycle would just be lighting the fuse on the "This season is the worst" bomb early. At this point, we just gotta hope that the Lightfall seasons mix shyt up a bit.
He's spot on about how silly it is to spoon feed story and info when you literally told everyone what's going to happen nearly three months from now when Lightfall comes out, though.