its about End game and i some what agree with him... lets not talk about this right now since you're not at this point yet.... so i dont want to spoiler you...
lol...just say it man....i know a lot of people take his word as gospel when it comes to destiny, but i dont....bungie hooks him up with inside info cause he has a bunch of followers, but when it's not directly from bungie, he's just saying his opinion like everyone else....ex: him calling the original hawkmoon garbage cause he didnt like the fact he had to aim with it, which had his followers saying the same bullshyt....after about a week though, he changed his mind quick, which meant they did too....hell, he and them the reason it got nerfed the first time....cause after he said it was 'op', which it never was, a lot of them started using it, and saying the same bungie took notice and did something aka nerfed it, smh.......
.....anyway, although i dont put stock in what he says, i'm willing to listen....
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