Comparing this game to vanilla Destiny is asinine as a consumer because every improvement that game reviewers rave about was present in The Taken King, but the game was bushes status for all mainstream reviewers by them. The Taken King had a story with cut scenes which showed personality of characters that are in Destiny 2. It had a rich, lore filled world in the Dreadnaught, the Oryx raid and the books of sorrow. It had a more meaninful endgame with gear sets that have helpful perks, hidden exotic quests strike specific loot etc.i get people's complaints about the game, but instead of comparing this to RoI d1, yall gotta compare this to vanilla d1....cause this was in development for awhile, even during d1 days......for the most part, this is just the base game, the same way vanilla d1 was the base game.....what's gonna make/break the time people spend on d2 is what bungie does going forward.....
also, while yall trying to blame the changes on people wanting a story in the game, which i dont mind cause the lore is great in the game, most of the changes for d2 were done with pvp in mind, so blame pvp players...pvp players are the reason there are no random rolls; that snipers/shotties/etc are the same weapon class; that pvp is more gun than ability based (which i like); etc...cause while bungie made an effort to make the game appeal to casuals, they also made an effort to appease pvp players....and now they the main ones complaining cause even though they got what they wanted, they cant lone wolf in the game lol....
with that said: i'm still having a ball with the game...i think it's cause although i've played a good amount, i've taken my time and didnt grind myself crazy to get to a certain light level....
I'm not going to willing cape for a game just because It has been in production concurrently with previous DLC's that gave the original iteration life. If anything, I'd believe that would be an alarm to the developers that they should build upon the great direction that had with the TTK, than releasing a shallow vanilla rehash.
Game will probably get better down the road but it's not year 1, it's year 4, Bungie doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore when it comes to the shortcomings of this game.