Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


May 1, 2012
Where in my posts do you see I where I say people deserve to DIE for traffic offenses or child support???
When you cosigned Denzel saying "don't blame the system" you stupid motherfukker.

When you deflect from the fact that the system is racist and corrupt saying "yea but black people should just stop committing crimes and problem solved", you're saying that blacks who do commit crimes deserve to be mistreated by the system. I used those 2 examples to prove my point but being murdered isn't the only form of mistreatment. Being overly policed, overly charged, overly convicted, and overly sentenced is a form of mistreatment/oppression and I'm saying that the oppression directly causes black dysfunction. Blacks don't deserve that, you and Denzel are wrong when you say that system isn't to be blamed.

Not to mention you have totally changed the conversation from the prison system to police brutality.
The conversation is about the prison industrial complex dummy. Denzel was asked about it and that's when he gave his "don't blame the system it starts at home" answer. I'm saying that the entire criminal justice system that encompasses the prison industrial complex is racist and corrupt. The same racism/corruption that allows police to get away with killing us unjustly, allows them to overly police, overly charge, overly convict etc us too. All of those types of injustices are part of the overall criminal justice system that Denzel and you are saying shouldn't be blamed.

Let me help you because you obviously struggle with comprehension. Why not use people who actually committed real crimes and who are in jail? Use Supreme from Jamaica Queens for example. Or actual gang members who are out here robbing and killing. No, to make a stupid point you use two VICTIMS.
You can't help me with anything because you're a fukking idiot. The two examples that I listed prove my point perfectly, which is that blacks who commit petty crimes don't deserve to be mistreated by a racist and corrupt system just because they committed a crime. You don't like those examples because they illustrate how utterly stupid your position is.

However it doesn't matter what kind of criminals you're talking about, nobody deserves to be discriminated against in the criminal justice system due to race. Contrary to what you c00ns and crackers think, most blacks in prison are in there on non violent offenses and most of the offenses are related to drugs. So the average black person in prison isn't there for "robbing and killing". The average black person in prison/jail is in there on some petty non violent drug related shyt. I'm not excusing drug related crimes, I'm saying that blacks shouldn't be policed more, charged more, convicted more, and sentenced longer for those crimes. I'm saying that the fact that we are is a form of oppression and it directly causes the black dysfunction and break down of the family that Denzel was talking about. Saying "well just don't commit crimes then" is not a solution and it's actually a defense for the oppression that we face.

Denzel said blacks are inferior? Word, thats what he said? Ok. You ain't gotta lie breh.

Your whole post is a fukkin lie. The conversation is about the unjust prison system. IT EXISTS. But little boys won't take responsibility for what they have done, so they place full blame on "The Man". I wonder if one of these dudes stuck a gun in the face of your loved one would you be like "it's okay man. white supremacy is making you do this". Grow up.
Blacks being inferior is the only logical conclusion to what Denzel said. It's exactly why white racists have jumped on his comments. The same racists who are giving Denzel props for echoing their talking points are the same people who say that blacks have a lower IQ. "It's not systematic racism holding blacks back, they have an inferior culture."

Since I'm lying explain how you can absolve the system of blame for blacks being overly represented in the prison industrial complex while putting all of the blame on blacks, without coming to the conclusion that blacks are just inferior. What do you think is the root cause of black criminality since the system isn't to blame? I'm asking for the root cause.
There is no cut that goes deeper than someone whose opinion you actually value giving that uncut raw and unseasoned truth
So why can't you value this "truth" when overt white racists say it? When Nazis and the klan run around saying that there is no racism and that "black culture" is just inferior why don't you agree with them? Or do you?


May 23, 2012
When you cosigned Denzel saying "don't blame the system" you stupid motherfukker.

When you deflect from the fact that the system is racist and corrupt saying "yea but black people should just stop committing crimes and problem solved", you're saying that blacks who do commit crimes deserve to be mistreated by the system. I used those 2 examples to prove my point but being murdered isn't the only form of mistreatment. Being overly policed, overly charged, overly convicted, and overly sentenced is a form of mistreatment/oppression and I'm saying that the oppression directly causes black dysfunction. Blacks don't deserve that, you and Denzel are wrong when you say that system isn't to be blamed.

The conversation is about the prison industrial complex dummy. Denzel was asked about it and that's when he gave his "don't blame the system it starts at home" answer. I'm saying that the entire criminal justice system that encompasses the prison industrial complex is racist and corrupt. The same racism/corruption that allows police to get away with killing us unjustly, allows them to overly police, overly charge, overly convict etc us too. All of those types of injustices are part of the overall criminal justice system that Denzel and you are saying shouldn't be blamed.

You can't help me with anything because you're a fukking idiot. The two examples that I listed prove my point perfectly, which is that blacks who commit petty crimes don't deserve to be mistreated by a racist and corrupt system just because they committed a crime. You don't like those examples because they illustrate how utterly stupid your position is.

However it doesn't matter what kind of criminals you're talking about, nobody deserves to be discriminated against in the criminal justice system due to race. Contrary to what you c00ns and crackers think, most blacks in prison are in there on non violent offenses and most of the offenses are related to drugs. So the average black person in prison isn't there for "robbing and killing". The average black person in prison/jail is in there on some petty non violent drug related shyt. I'm not excusing drug related crimes, I'm saying that blacks shouldn't be policed more, charged more, convicted more, and sentenced longer for those crimes. I'm saying that the fact that we are is a form of oppression and it directly causes the black dysfunction and break down of the family that Denzel was talking about. Saying "well just don't commit crimes then" is not a solution and it's actually a defense for the oppression that we face.

Blacks being inferior is the only logical conclusion to what Denzel said. It's exactly why white racists have jumped on his comments. The same racists who are giving Denzel props for echoing their talking points are the same people who say that blacks have a lower IQ. "It's not systematic racism holding blacks back, they have an inferior culture."

Since I'm lying explain how you can absolve the system of blame for blacks being overly represented in the prison industrial complex while putting all of the blame on blacks, without coming to the conclusion that blacks are just inferior. What do you think is the root cause of black criminality since the system isn't to blame? I'm asking for the root cause.

So why can't you value this "truth" when overt white racists say it? When Nazis and the klan run around saying that there is no racism and that "black culture" is just inferior why don't you agree with them? Or do you?
Look dude, I'm gonna leave all the name-calling aside because it's dumb. The fact is we both have valid points. What Denzel is saying is that you don't get to the prison system until you fukk up. That goes for ALL races. So why put ALL the blame on the system if it starts, at least in theory, with the commission of a crime? Yes the system is worse for blacks because society itself is worse for blacks. Blacks commit crimes at a higher rate BECAUSE of America's abominable racial history that has disenfranchised people of color and purposely set us back. The system overcharges and is way too harsh in punishment. No question.

But how can you live your life just using "the system" as an excuse? Because guess what, as bad as it may be, its gonna be the same tomorrow, next week, and next year. So isn't that something you think we should avoid? Wouldn't you suggest to a young black man to stay in school, stay out the streets, and live legit?

Take the white supremacy out of the criminal justice system. Its still a system of prosecution and punishment. I'm a criminal defense attorney. I saw 2 clients today. One black, one white. They are BOTH in jail. The black dude killed another black dude with an assault rifle. He was facing Life plus 10 years. I got him a deal for a straight 25. The white guy is in there for beating up a woman. Case still unresolved. Prosecutor wants him to go to prison. My point is in a civilized society there is going to be a system that has punishment in place for criminal activity, even WITHOUT white supremacy. So why shouldn't our first order of business be to avoid that system, whether its racist or not? The judge who sent Meek Mill to jail is black and went to a HBCU! And the prosecutor didn't even want him to go to jail!! So seeing that our black men can face this type of punishment, why not raise them to live a different life?

No Denzel is not saying blacks are inferior. You can't really believe that. He's woke. Check out his video of him talking about when he was trying to get on as an actor and he was offered a starring role in a movie called "The Niqqa They Couldn't Kill". Offered him like $600K which was a lot of money to him back then. He responded how about we put a bunch of white people in a shower but it turns out to be gas? Would that be a good movie too? Not sure why you dont believe his advice doesn't apply to white people as well? You do know there are white people in the system too right? I have seen with my own eyes white people go to prison for minor drug offenses. In 2017 the system might be as corrupt against poor people as it is against blacks.

As I said blacks are over-represented in the system because of Americas demonic racist history. Thats the foundation. But we have a way to avoid that system. Why do I see hundreds of black men every year who didn't even bother to finish high school? Take racism out of America totally. You still MUST be educated. Our parents MUST raise our children to understand the importance of education. This is what Denzel is saying. Not that the system ain't fukked up, because it is!! But its gonna be here for the forseeable future so why not avoid it?


May 1, 2012
Blacks commit crimes at a higher rate BECAUSE of America's abominable racial history that has disenfranchised people of color and purposely set us back. The system overcharges and is way too harsh in punishment. No question.
I'll stop you right here because this admission alone contradicts what Denzel said. You keep trying to spin what he said in order to validate it instead of just taking what he said for what it was.

if you can acknowledge all of that that, then how can you cosign Denzel saying "don't blame the system, it starts at home"? The fact is that the dysfunctional homes that many of our youth are raised in were deliberately engineered by a racist system. Blaming the system doesn't mean that we aren't responsible for overcoming anyway, but it is what it is and it's important to speak truth to power. Denzel had an opportunity to speak truth to power while pushing his personal responsibility message to blacks.

I went to the first million man march back in '95 as a youngin and the whole message of that entire day was personal responsibility. Farrakhan literally called us all there to Washington to atone. Atonement was the theme of the march. Point being, don't act as if we can't take constructive criticism. Denzel just wasn't being constructive. Farrakhan talked a lot about the break down of the black family and the importance of rebuilding the traditional family structure, but he never gave the system of white supremacy a pass. Denzel gave white supremacy a pass and that's the difference. He was completely wrong.


Tru grit
Jul 5, 2012
Look dude, I'm gonna leave all the name-calling aside because it's dumb. The fact is we both have valid points. What Denzel is saying is that you don't get to the prison system until you fukk up. That goes for ALL races. So why put ALL the blame on the system if it starts, at least in theory, with the commission of a crime? Yes the system is worse for blacks because society itself is worse for blacks. Blacks commit crimes at a higher rate BECAUSE of America's abominable racial history that has disenfranchised people of color and purposely set us back. The system overcharges and is way too harsh in punishment. No question.

But how can you live your life just using "the system" as an excuse? Because guess what, as bad as it may be, its gonna be the same tomorrow, next week, and next year. So isn't that something you think we should avoid? Wouldn't you suggest to a young black man to stay in school, stay out the streets, and live legit?

Take the white supremacy out of the criminal justice system. Its still a system of prosecution and punishment. I'm a criminal defense attorney. I saw 2 clients today. One black, one white. They are BOTH in jail. The black dude killed another black dude with an assault rifle. He was facing Life plus 10 years. I got him a deal for a straight 25. The white guy is in there for beating up a woman. Case still unresolved. Prosecutor wants him to go to prison. My point is in a civilized society there is going to be a system that has punishment in place for criminal activity, even WITHOUT white supremacy. So why shouldn't our first order of business be to avoid that system, whether its racist or not? The judge who sent Meek Mill to jail is black and went to a HBCU! And the prosecutor didn't even want him to go to jail!! So seeing that our black men can face this type of punishment, why not raise them to live a different life?

No Denzel is not saying blacks are inferior. You can't really believe that. He's woke. Check out his video of him talking about when he was trying to get on as an actor and he was offered a starring role in a movie called "The Niqqa They Couldn't Kill". Offered him like $600K which was a lot of money to him back then. He responded how about we put a bunch of white people in a shower but it turns out to be gas? Would that be a good movie too? Not sure why you dont believe his advice doesn't apply to white people as well? You do know there are white people in the system too right? I have seen with my own eyes white people go to prison for minor drug offenses. In 2017 the system might be as corrupt against poor people as it is against blacks.

As I said blacks are over-represented in the system because of Americas demonic racist history. Thats the foundation. But we have a way to avoid that system. Why do I see hundreds of black men every year who didn't even bother to finish high school? Take racism out of America totally. You still MUST be educated. Our parents MUST raise our children to understand the importance of education. This is what Denzel is saying. Not that the system ain't fukked up, because it is!! But its gonna be here for the forseeable future so why not avoid it?

that is the fukked up people have to work at avoiding a racist..corrupt system that stalks them day and night and are expected to succeed under those conditions while other groups get to do their thing and not have to worry about being mistreated by the people the only ones that have to run the race with weights strapped to their ankles but when black people are in last place everybody acts like the extra weight had nothing to do with it then have the nerve to tell black folks they need to learn how to run with the weights on...


May 23, 2012
I'll stop you right here because this admission alone contradicts what Denzel said. You keep trying to spin what he said in order to validate it instead of just taking what he said for what it was.

if you can acknowledge all of that that, then how can you cosign Denzel saying "don't blame the system, it starts at home"? The fact is that the dysfunctional homes that many of our youth are raised in were deliberately engineered by a racist system. Blaming the system doesn't mean that we aren't responsible for overcoming anyway, but it is what it is and it's important to speak truth to power. Denzel had an opportunity to speak truth to power while pushing his personal responsibility message to blacks.

I went to the first million man march back in '95 as a youngin and the whole message of that entire day was personal responsibility. Farrakhan literally called us all there to Washington to atone. Atonement was the theme of the march. Point being, don't act as if we can't take constructive criticism. Denzel just wasn't being constructive. Farrakhan talked a lot about the break down of the black family and the importance of rebuilding the traditional family structure, but he never gave the system of white supremacy a pass. Denzel gave white supremacy a pass and that's the difference. He was completely wrong.
I will agree, the "dont blame the system" part he should not have said. Because it needs to be overhauled top to bottom. My interpretation of what he was trying to say is that when someone actually commits a crime, don't blame the system for the personal decision they made to do something wrong.


May 23, 2012
that is the fukked up people have to work at avoiding a racist..corrupt system that stalks them day and night and are expected to succeed under those conditions while other groups get to do their thing and not have to worry about being mistreated by the people the only ones that have to run the race with weights strapped to their ankles but when black people are in last place everybody acts like the extra weight had nothing to do with it then have the nerve to tell black folks they need to learn how to run with the weights on...
As far as criminal activity, you don't have to "work" at that do you? I mean you are not predisposed to commit crime are you?


Tru grit
Jul 5, 2012
As far as criminal activity, you don't have to "work" at that do you? I mean you are not predisposed to commit crime are you?

im going to ignore that predisposed to crime white supremacists shyt you asked me and ask you do you think black people dont have to make an effort to avoid getting abused by a corrupt system that enjoys abusing them?...because i thought your whole point was to tell black people to avoid the system and that would take some work if the system is all ready against black people from the day they are born...being a law-abiding model citizen in this wicked ass country is work for might be fun for you...


May 6, 2015
im going to ignore that predisposed to crime white supremacists shyt you asked me and ask you do you think black people dont have to make an effort to avoid getting abused by a corrupt system that enjoys abusing them?...because i thought your whole point was to tell black people to avoid the system and that would take some work if the system is all ready against black people from the day they are born...being a law-abiding model citizen in this wicked ass country is work for might be fun for you...

Blacks have to work harder than anyone to really get a foothold in any arena and staying out of legal trouble is a job all on its own. The game is rigged, this is known, but the failure is compounded by dysfunction out the gate (ie homelife). STEM, Trades, and the Military are the realities that need to be pushed and aggressively marketed to our youth.


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
Ya the system is against minorities but from I’m reading u guys are basically giving up on life :snoop:

Denzel is right.

You guys make it seem that it’s impossible, yes systemic racism will be here tomorrow and in our lifetime but u can still have a GREAT life and so can your kids. Go to school, get highly educated and show your kids that it’s the only way and show them to be successful.
May 7, 2012
He's not really wrong

The justice system is slanted heavily against black folks

But you should never put yourself in a position where your freedom is at jeopardy

You can blame the socio-economics of America before you go straight to the prison system


May 23, 2012
im going to ignore that predisposed to crime white supremacists shyt you asked me and ask you do you think black people dont have to make an effort to avoid getting abused by a corrupt system that enjoys abusing them?...because i thought your whole point was to tell black people to avoid the system and that would take some work if the system is all ready against black people from the day they are born...being a law-abiding model citizen in this wicked ass country is work for might be fun for you...
White supremacist shyt? Funny, you saying that you have to "work" to not commit crimes sounds like white supremacist shyt to me. Can you imagine a white person saying "yeah blacks have to actually work not to be criminals. It's in their nature. They're savages" All about perspective I guess.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Denzel is only half right. The US Justice system predominantly preys on Black people.
I think Denzel is only talking about black folks who commit crimes, he's saying by doing so we make it easier for the corrupt system. He's not talking about the ones who get drugs planted on them, or the ones who get pulled over and shot.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Educated don' speak for the non educated, Kevin Durant said it when He says where would he be if he was a average black man.

Denzel cloned and all the cacs came running. c00n movie can't come soon enough.