Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

your non Puzzy getting azz has yet to experience life off this board....

I know damn well the benifit of having a father figure and OGs in your life...

My pops and Older Gods from the Nation of Islam played a big role in my life....

And I've become a responsible black man cause I have structure...

You have a problem with DENZEL statement cause you can't identify with it cause you were raised to be an UNDERACHIEVER who has a problem being himself......

And decided to create a Character to live vicariously through because you ain't shyt...yo daddy wasn't shyt and it goes back to your ain't shyt mama making bad decisions in life ..

Like giving birth to your Illogical thinking azz........

Yes we have a system against us..

But that don't mean you stop acting responsible......

You better get yo mind right...and stop all this HYPOCRITICAL HOTEP NONSENSE

AND BE A MAN :ufdup:

Aug 16, 2017
I want to add that the problem isn't what he said, it's the fact that he said it to the media, which makes white people feel justified in their disdain for us. I have yet to see any other group blame parenting for their problems, not the overdoses, pedophilia, mass shootings, joining ISIS, etc.

We are the only people who actually admit we have things to work on collectively.


Dec 28, 2016
Hmm Denzel is right but also not right. Or yet it is too complex to be boiled down to parents.

I don't care how good a parent you are your environment and economic well being sets a tone of what your child will become.

So a parent who has a child and has to work crazy hours to provide a good life has no time to spend with the child who between 1 to 5 will learns the most valuable life lessons that will guide them for the rest of their life. The brain grows the most during this stage the most amount of synapses get formed during these years. A few studies have shown that with 80% accuracy can predict whether a child will end up in jail from the age of 5. Can't teach life lessons if their is no parent around, plain and simple.

Also a lot of brothers have been pulled into a system which is a business. Prison is a business! It feeds off brothers and sisters which makes for a vicious circle. Parents have culpability for sure but to blame them out right is just flat out wrong. He needs to re edit his quotes.
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Jun 23, 2012
Certain children will NEVER have the support of their parents or any adult for that matter. When looking at education, they knew from Pre-K, but somehow they are still talking about parent involvement after they have pushed that kid through to 6th grade with no academic growth to show for it.

Needs based education, real life training and trades are programs that need to be offered instead of this bullshyt curriculum they have in place now that does nothing but test kids to death. Local governments claim they are paying an average of $10k per student, and over 12 years that's a lot of money to put out and still have a dumbass on your hands.
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Real N Quotes

East Is In The House OMG
Jun 10, 2012

your non Puzzy getting azz has yet to experience life off this board....

I know damn well the benifit of having a father figure and OGs in your life...

My pops and Older Gods from the Nation of Islam played a big role in my life....

And I've become a responsible black man cause I have structure...

You have a problem with DENZEL statement cause you can't identify with it cause you were raised to be an UNDERACHIEVER who has a problem being himself......

And decided to create a Character to live vicariously through because you ain't shyt...yo daddy wasn't shyt and it goes back to your ain't shyt mama making bad decisions in life ..

Like giving birth to your Illogical thinking azz........

Yes we have a system against us..

But that don't mean you stop acting responsible......

You better get yo mind right...and stop all this HYPOCRITICAL HOTEP NONSENSE

AND BE A MAN :ufdup:


Liberals, Democrats, and Feminists have created the criminal industrial complex not racism.The same people who want you to vote and support their rights wouldn't want you to live next door to them. We need to start thinking like immigrants instead of Americans. Family and education first.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
In “Roman J. Israel, Esq.” Denzel Washington plays an idealistic defense attorney whose beliefs are tested when he joins a new law firm.

The Oscar winner says making the film did not make him more cynical about the justice system and, when asked about the prison-industrial complex, the “Malcolm X” star offered a surprising take.

“It starts at the home,” he told reporters at the film’s downtown New York premiere. “It starts at home.”

When prodded to expand on his answer, the 62-year-old Mount Vernon native replied: “It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure.

“So you know I can’t blame the system,” he continued. “It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them.”

Washington came into the project with an insider’s edge on writer-director Dan Gilroy; he spars at the same gym as Jake Gyllenhaal, who starred in Gilroy’s critically acclaimed 2014 film “Nightcrawler,” and the actor gave Washington a full briefing on Gilroy.

“I got to learn a little bit about Dan in advance, and to see the great collaboration they had together,” Washington explained. “So it was easy, it was seamless and it was invigorating.”

(Washington declined to answer questions as to whether he or Gyllenhaal would win in the boxing ring).

The Oscar winner has played a lawyer before (“Philadelphia”), but his reasons for taking on this role weren’t so much because he wanted to return to a courtroom.

“It really didn’t have much to do with that,” he said. “It was just that Dan wrote a good script, a good story, the guy happened to be a lawyer. Law wasn’t the thing that attracted me to the story.”

Roman Israel — a legal savant — is certainly a departure for the actor. Washington told the Daily News that he based the character’s eccentricities on those of a friend’s son who is on the autism spectrum.

“He knew all the laws and everything, so I did a lot of research on Asperger’s, and the spectrum, and went in that direction,” he revealed.

Washington says he is not worrying about what his fans will make of this film.

“I just do what I do,” the “Training Day” star said. “I can’t be concerned. I don’t know what they’re going to think, so that’s not something that comes into my head. . . . If it’s something I’m interested in, then I do it if I can, and we’ll find out what they think about it.”

Denzel Washington says don't blame the prison system


Most people blame the single mothers young brehs, this is just a fact.

Everyone hates Tommy Sotomayor but alot of people support his views, most people regardless of race blame the single mothers for everything.

I'm just being completely real, I even remember Tariq going in on single Moms, look how he went in on Tyrese and said he grew up in a single mother household and he got that "I need money, give me something" mentality from his momma.

Very few real pro blacks out there, all these dudes blame the females lol, they won't admit it though.


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Giving a child a good home does not guarantee your child will not fukk up, but it does give them better chances to avoid the system.

People like @IbucciMane! fukk up by seeing shyt as a binary, and not seeing how all of these things contribute to the state of conditions we live in.

Talking about owning Denzel in a discussion, newsflash, you have control over your child before the government does. Same is true for the little fukked up entitled white kids; that shyt is instilled at home, and then they become part of a system that was designed for their success. But that first sense of privilege and entitlement is instilled by the parents and other shyt like the media.

Both aspects are right.

AND we talk about households and hold single mothers more accountable than absent fathers. nikkas need to be more responsible with who they bring into this world and those they choose to bring them into the world with.

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
Example number one: that story where the black kid slammed the old lady in the swimming pool. shyt like that makes it easy for the justice system.
I was just thinking back to that incident and the threads on here relating to it. Black kids have to be reminded that the system is not set up for them to have white kid fukk ups. It's not fair but that's the way it is. I've only been in the back of a police car once, lucky for me my parents informed me how to act in a situation like that. Even though the officer was being antagonistic I kept it cool like they told me. Me being black, I couldn't afford to throw a tantrum like Greg and Marsha. Whether the kid comes from a two parent or single parent home doesn't matter. What matters is them being made aware early how janky society can be.