I have no idea who this chloe grace is nor any knowledge of the equalizer tv series/book series/novel or whatever the source material is from.. but a couple thoughts:
1.) If the lead female role, originally meant for a 20 something year old, was supposed to be denzel's love interest (and he's always a sure thing to have a bad latina/black chick on deck.. even introduced us to eva mendez with her titties all out).. then I'd rather they
not cast this 16 year old broad if they have to rewrite the characters and have denzel be some asexual father figure type like he was in book of eli
I'd rather they find a grown ass woman ready to be down for whatever on camera (ala Eva and the latina from Flight) without worryin about age differences or borderline pedo lookin shyt.
2.) If I read it correctly, they're trying to make this a franchise?

That got me interested because I've never known Denzel to go that route and I've always wanted him to spearhead a franchise/trilogy ala Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, Matt Damon in the Bourne Identity, etc..
So if thats the plan then I'm all in

, im just weary about this little girl stuff replacing a grown woman role