google him breh. He's an interesting guy
how tall is he? he'll be in this league for a while no matter what he does. prob win a ship too word to
google him breh. He's an interesting guy
Haters Gonna Hate'
kings the gulliest team in the league right now
the Nba has gone wayyyy to soft, its not like it was a jerry stachouse/kirk snyder tunnel incident.
its like any small incident gets blown out of proportion and the nba way of handling it is by suspending motherfukkers
Demarcus Cousins is that dude but Sean Elliott is tha gawd
how you gonna call someone else immature Demarcus
Cousins should know better then to disrespect the GOAT player and color commentator
well then how would you assess it? By doing nothing? Cuz got 2 games for doing the NBA equivalent of waiting outside somebody's job to step to him. Now, sure he didn't get physical with Sean (what actually went down we don't truly know), but there's a certain way you should go about handling things like that and he didn't handle it that way.
It's one of those punishments where you gotta do something, but you're not sure what kind of punishment would justify it. If it were me? Maybe 1 game at most
if anything fine him at most, least you can kinda in a way justified that punishment but IMO i dont agree with a suspension
people get into arguments everyday b
A fine wouldn't even faze him (or any NBA player in that situation really. They'd pay that fine 10x over to give someone like Sean Elliott a piece of their mind).
Put it like this: nevermind Cousins for a moment. If a player was able to just get gully with an announcer just for being a dikk, what would stop Carmelo Anthony from justifiably stalking Mike Breen at games for all the shyt he says about him? (and mind you, Breen announces for the squad Melo plays on). What would have stopped Kobe Bryant from stepping to the Utah announcers that were questioning his effort level vs. the Jazz the other night? If players were able to do that with simply the threat of a scooby snack fine, announcers would call games from a hockey-style penalty box they'd be so shook.
you in an announcers protection foundation? cause you seem real upset over this issue, you know in life you say the wrong thing to the wrong person you gonna get check. is it fair? probably not mate but that's society mate.
other poster have stated he says real slick shyt about other players so his time was due.
but ill put it like this, it's not the first time a player has step to an announcer and it wont be the last time either.