lol I swear it must be 15+ years since i read that Wizard comic fight.. but iirc the underlying logic they had wasn't that Superman lost b/c he fell a far distance. It was that Goku's base form was more or less = to Superman, and so his SS form would then trump Superman.
That's why i never got into the debates b/c it was obvious where the road block was: what form is Superman = to... and that's just not something you can get both sides to agree on... b/c equating Superman to a form less than SS4 would basically be admitting Goku wins. And there's too much inconsistency in power levels and senseless feats by shytty comic writers over 75 years to measure properly, i.e. current version of Superman, rebooted in 2009, doesn't have any of the crazy feats and would get worked by Darkseid, & Wonder Woman would likely give him a tough time too b/c she's more skilled (he doesn't know that krypto kung fu stuff). And this is current Superman, not composite.
With that said, you can't have Supes be punched out to near depletion to where he needed the Sun to power back up (i.e. reached his limit) in the 1st fight vs a SS3/SS4 Goku (or whatever it was)... but then have him completely squash a SSGod Goku and say he's limitless.
In all seriousness, pitting Goku against Thor, WW or Captain Marvel would be more interesting
I already know how this thread is gonna go.
DBZ fanboys will say Superman loses because Freeza can destroy a planet with his laser even though Superman can easily take a supernova blast and has stood up to Darksied
The hard truth is that 90% of the people that will post in this thread are DBZ fanboys and haven't read a comic in their life
Goku is obviously the better fighter considering his years of training. Superman hardly trains since he can easily take out most opponents. Goku's fighting speed, martial arts skills, and instant transmission will give Superman trouble.
Superman is incredibly strong and imo has the strength advantage. The truth is Wonder Woman is one of the few Earth heroes that can take on Superman (MMH, Flash, and Captain Atom being the other ones) but even then it's really close. Superman's heat vision and freeze breath can really damage and slow down Goku. Superman also hardly uses it, but it should be noted that Superman can phase and go intangible similarly to the Flash by vibrating his molecules.
This is a close fight, but in the end I think Superman takes it because he has more super powers to help him. If it were a straight physical fight with no powers, Goku MIGHT edge out based on his high martial arts skills![]()
The Superman that "struggles with Lex and Bruce" would still have the edge over the Goku that almost got KOed with a rock:
How long does Goku last with the Silver Surfer?
I think there are plenty of ways Surfer can get rid of him but they love to boast about Goku's planet bursting abilities...lol.
Goku got magic, superman's weakness.You guys know Superman can lobotomize Goku from orbit if he wanted to, right?
Not long.How long does Goku last with the Silver Surfer?