Marc Spector
the 4'11 Cuban
Opportunity. Crime rings, junkies and gangs realized that cars werent moving during covid lockdown and therefore great targets for breaking in, chop shopping/catalytic converter theft.The post COVID-19 crime increase is the biggest issue facing black America right now and an inexplicable social phenomenon.
Car jacking has been a crime that has inexplicably jumped 200% in many major cities. What has led to car jacking becoming that much more popular?
I was in Philadelphia last year and it was disheartening to see black teens all over Center City at night just ransacking Wawas for the fun of it and that’s a regular thing.
This generation coming up is broken.
Yes, the lockdown is over but old dogs dont learn new tricks. These gangs/kids refined their skills boosting cars and smash and grabbing and theres no other easier lick to tap into. Theyre gonna stick with what they know.