It is quite possible that America will NEVER recover from the post covid crime increase.
What people dont understand is that these kids who are committing crime were more than likely going down that road anyway. What covid did was speed up the timeline. Lockdown and quarantine gave these kids nothing but time and opportunity to organize and double down on bad habits.
The brains of humans, especially kids, are like scales. You have to balance out their bad habits with productivity, mental stimulation, and organization. However covid lock down made it so that behaviors like truancy, drug use, theft, insubordination, over stimulation to digital entertainment and a overall lack of authority structures (many of these kids parents were either working still or in fukkery themselves) made it so that fukkery was
the norm.
Their little stupid brains now see bullshyt as the only way to get that good ole serotonin hit and thats not even getting into the truth of these kids being explicitly recruited by organized criminals to act as their boots on ground boosters and runners.
Why solutions are hard to enable is due to two reasons IMO:
1. western capitalism, especially late stage capitalism, creates a sense of individual desperation wherein petty crimes are seen as that much more brutal and devastating to individual people.
2. due to #1, people have little sympathy or incentive in tolerating or enacting long term solutions that seek to focus on reprogramming and makes sense right? the west is all about individualism. Westerners struggle with understanding the concept of societal systems and second and third order effects of systems that operate outside of our control or comprehension. .
As far as most people are concerned, individual decisions is solely how you got where you are so make the individual decision to do something else. Hell I know better and I still struggle to sympathize with criminals (no matter how old they are) or junkies.
All I can offer as a solution is, fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, be there for your kids. Try and get out in the middle schools and high schools. Mentor. And be the uniting agent in your families.