Ethnic Vagina Finder
The Great Paper Chaser
Man fukk all of that. I’ve had my car(s) either stolen or broken into multiple times. If I happened to catch them in the act and I had a gun my face would’ve been the last one they saw.At the end of the day it's just a car, and in no way should killing somebody over it be the answer. As a victim myself of a home break in it is one of the worst feelings you can have because you got caught in a moment of vulnerability and you don't know what to do with yourself because it takes a while to heal. However, in no way should killing somebody over a car break-in be the answer. Also, the kid was just 13, so there may have been time for him to turn his life around and now he may not get that chance. This is why it's important to not have kids if you're unable to raise them becuase parents failed this kid.

People work hard for their property. They get up everyday and go to jobs or run businesses and pay bills and taxes. Don’t nobody got time to deal with thieving ass people. I don’t care how old they are.
And if you got the heart to break into adult property, then you man enough or woman enough to get whatever you got coming to you.