DC homeowner shoots, kills 13 year old Karon Blake after claiming he was breaking into cars


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I keep telling y'all the second amendment is just an excuse for people to murder black Americans.

Also, shooting someone for breaking into a cars is such a fukking insane thing to do. You could've called the cops but chose to end a life because you're a fukking psychopath

Rappers have countless songs about having the strap in their lap for jackers and rappers constantly bragging about how they won't let anyone snatch their chain or else they will blast, but homeowners and legal citizens are supposed to just let someone go into their car and take off with it at 4 in the morning or come in their house and take what they want?

This is the same culture that says calling the police is telling and that those kind of people should be killed for telling. So in other words, we just need to let criminals do whatever they want with no real repercussions because we shouldn't shoot at them if they are taking our property and we shouldn't call the police because we'd be working with the police and telling.

The reality is if you go and take someone's property and you get hurt, that's your fault. If that boy got locked up and tried to go in someone's cell and take something in prison, he'd possibly get killed as well


May 14, 2012
Why do we get Amber alerts on our phones then?
As I said, there was a time.... They don't do that anymore.

Your kid could be gone 10 mins and you could call the police and want to report them missing. They are supposed to do a report regardless however plenty of officers and departments try to get a parent or person to wait a rational amount of time for someone to return...which of course varies. Your girl not coming back from the grocery store in 30 mins doesn't mean she's missing. You not being home an hour after work doesn't mean your missing. But it's not up to the police to determine. They just need to file a report.

A missing report is exactly the same as a wanted report. Except it's not a crime. It's not illegal to be missing. You're basically flagged nationwide, therefore if you ever get pulled over or arrested or any law enforcement makes contact with you and runs your name, you pop up as being missing.

An amber alert, usually constitutes some sort of danger, particularly with a child There's specific criteria that has to be met for Amber alerts. And one might think "well every child that is missing is in danger" but no. Like 90% of missing persons cases are just people not being where they are supposed to be but they are fine, not kidnapped, didn't runaway, aren't held hostage.


Nov 1, 2015
This isn't the issue our violent offenders have, imo

> The poverty-homicide association implies that instead of “relative deprivation”, “absolute deprivation” is mainly responsible for violent crime.



Income inequality is blamed for being the main driver of violent crime by the majority of the literature. However, earlier work on the topic largely neglects the role of poverty and income levels as opposed to income inequality. The current paper uses all court verdicts for homicide cases in China between 2014 and 2016, as well as various inequality measures calculated from 2005 mini census data together with a host of control variables to shed light on the relationship at the detailed Chinese prefecture-level. The results suggest that it is the poverty and low income level, rather than income inequality, that is positively related to homicide rates. We show that the internal rural-urban migration from more violent localities contributes to the destination cities’ homicide rates. The poverty-homicide association implies that instead of “relative deprivation”, “absolute deprivation” is mainly responsible for violent crime. Poverty is the mother of crime. —Marcus Aurelius (121-180AD), Emperor of the Roman Empire.

income inequality reinforces poverty, it's cyclical. thats why people have advocated for providing financial aid to poor communities and the individuals that inhabit them. people mock the ideas of community centers as a crime prevention tool but it's just one thing among many that must be done to tackle poverty.

A child raised in poverty is likely to see more violence due to the stress that money issues presents in their household and community. it's not surprising that being raised in a violent environment can make people grow up to be comfortable with violence, it doesn't necessarily mean they'll commit violence themselves but be less fazed by it.

if society wants fewer violent adults, it needs to tackle poverty because children raised in that environment can grow to be wired differently from those who had their basic needs met without stress, fear or anxiety.

There is a growing literature arguing that income inequality causes crime, beginning with Becker [7]. The mechanisms seem to be straightforward. For instance, the theory of ‘relative deprivation’ introduced by Merton [8] suggests that income inequality strengthens the feelings of dispossession and unfairness. The inequality-crime association that empirically identified has been widely accepted. For instance, Messner and Rosenfeld [9] state that a ‘finding that has emerged with remarkable consistency is that high rates of homicide tend to accompany high levels of inequality’, and solidified in both intra-national and cross-national studies, but it is not without debate.
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Dec 5, 2012
Only a matter of time this would happen. These kids here are wilding and folks are tired.
I live in DC and its hard to sympathize with these car jackers because there is number of resources available for these kids and they still choose to jack cars and shoot people. It's annoying to always be looking over your shoulder when in the city, getting gas, etc.

Its unfortunate but there is a huge underclass in DC that is hasn't experienced the city's newfound prosperity. Add broken households and communities plus social media, and these kids don't have a chance.

Studious one

Change names, like change clothes; stay a fly girl
May 31, 2022
You can't expect the mother to be superman 100 percent of the time

It's ridiculous to throw that. The woman when it's proven that the father is the pillar of a man's moral thought and behavior.

Stop shocking the man's duties to a woman. That's why we are fukked to begin with.
Sending you a virtual hug, straight facts!🤗


May 14, 2012

Just saying the parents gotta have some kind of accountability for their shytty parenting and choices too.

Youd have to have an entire trial that would span months if not years (depending on the age of the child) to determine whether a parent is shytty or not.

If your parents have 4 kids, you and 2 of your brothers are perfect members of society, financially fit and successful, law abiding...and your one sibling decides to shoot up a target and kill 20 people does that mean your parents were shytty?

People fukk around and do Dumb shyt whether their parents are good or not. Just because someone does something dumb doesn't mean their parents failed.


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
Got him before he harmed innocents because that’s where it was going. Hopefully his buddies learn the lesson


Nov 1, 2015
Its deeper than wealth inequality breh. I've helped with some violence prevention programs, and a lot of these boys are neglected by their parents.. Parents who actually have MONEY.. With my own ears I've heard parents tell their children that if they could deal with trauma, so can their kids.. Black women are serving their own sons up to criminal activity. Its ugly.. So unless you deal with the mental pain these kids are dealing with, money will not help by itself.

how many times do have you come across parents who aren't being purposely neglectful? wealth/income inequality also leads to parents that are overworked and too tired to also properly attend to their kids development and/or supervision.

i agree tho money will not solve issues 100% but not having enough of it to survive is the driving force behind a lot of lot of behavior that leads to these tragic outcomes.
Aug 16, 2017
It's actually not. What he's saying is that if you are poor you're more likely to commit a crime. It's a structural social issue. And due to white supremacy, black people are more likely to be poor, which makes them more affected by the current crisis and thus more likely to commit crimes. On top of that, they are more likely to get punished harder for committing a crime than white people and more likely to get killed for both, committint crimes and just being suspected of committing a crime. It's really mindblowing how many supposedly black people have a hard time grasping these very simple facts of living in a racist system. Which leads me to the conclusion that either you aren't black or you're extremely stupid.
Did white supremacy make his mother have 3 children she can’t keep track of? Did white supremacy make her choose a man who most likely wasn’t living a productive life, but she still got pregnant anyway? Birth control is free at Planned Parenthood, and with Medicaid.

Stop blaming white supremacy for black people making poor life decisions. And let’s not act like all three of those kids probably have the same father.

There are literally millions of poor black people who don’t commit crime. And the poor areas of other races don’t have the same crime rates as ours, but you do have to take population density into consideration. We are literally the only group of people who constantly makes excuses for the worst of us. And don’t act like most of the people being terrorized by these kids are other black people.

At what point do you admit a lot of us simply aren’t putting enough effort into life?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Trust me these kids know or the older gang banging adults that put them up to it Know the punishment would be lighter compared to what an adult would get.

Who gives a shyt if they "know" it, it doesn't change their behavior. States with harsh juvenile penalties don't show the slightest reduction in crime compared to states with weak juvenile penalties. And the crime rate for youths aged 18-21 is much worse than the crime rate for youths aged 15-17. Plus, as I already told you, the United States has by far the HARSHEST juvenile penalties in the world, yet we continue to have the most violent juvenile crime. Until the Supreme Court stopped it we were the only nation other than Iran that sentenced juveniles to death, and we're still the only one to sentence them to life in prison without the possibility of parole. And it didn't do jack shyt to our crime rates.

Read the chapter on harsh punishments in Malcolm Gladwell's "David and Goliath". Then read Bryan Stevenson's "Just Mercy". This shyt isn't working. Going harsher and harsher with punishments does nothing to stop the worst kids while steadily destroying the lives of other kids who don't deserve it.

At some point y'all gotta admit that it's just American propaganda and vengeance driving the view, and it's not working.


Mar 11, 2022
I don't know about you but 13 year old me didn't have shyt figured out, I just thought I did. I wouldn't dare do the shyt I did now that I did as a 13 year old. Luckily, my parents cared enough about me to not let me wander around doing what I wanted.
It's not about having things figured by 13. It's about know the difference between right and wrong in which 13 year olds are capable of.

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
What is a "child" doing out 4am at night boosting cars?

I don’t care if it’s the weekend or Xmas vacation — no child should be out at 4am.

Where’s the personal responsibility if you are a guardian for someone who can barely feed themself but can boost whips?

There are times here in the city I’m out at 1-2am and see kids that are 6 or 7 years old with who I assume are their parents and the shyt just doesn’t make sense.

Unless that kid is working third shift at the damn steel mill they need to be in bed.

This kid is out at 4am doing “grown” man shyt and then a real grown up showed him what’s what like that scene in South Central.
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Nov 1, 2015
You know what? I have been in Raleigh for the past 14 years, and it gets boring as shyt. Then I think back to living in NY, and I’d rather be bored. This shyt is crazy out here. They need to make it a law for these parents to be charged when their kid does something. Tired of this shyt. I bet them little girls can’t even wash their p*ssy right and they’re stealing cars. Tf! I wanna see what the momma and daddy got to say as to why this kid is out stealing cars at 4 am at 13. I have no comment on the killing.

pretty sure ya'll get more car jackings in Raleigh then we get in brooklyn.

car jackings seem like a stupid crime anyway to do in NYC due to the heavy traffic and surveillance thats here.

Instant Classic

All Star
May 31, 2022
At the end of the day it's just a car, and in no way should killing somebody over it be the answer. As a victim myself of a home break in it is one of the worst feelings you can have because you got caught in a moment of vulnerability and you don't know what to do with yourself because it takes a while to heal. However, in no way should killing somebody over a car break-in be the answer. Also, the kid was just 13, so there may have been time for him to turn his life around and now he may not get that chance. This is why it's important to not have kids if you're unable to raise them becuase parents failed this kid.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Did white supremacy make his mother have 3 children she can’t keep track of? Did white supremacy make her choose a man who most likely wasn’t living a productive life, but she still got pregnant anyway? Birth control is free at Planned Parenthood, and with Medicaid.

Stop blaming white supremacy for black people making poor life decisions. And let’s not act like all three of those kids probably have the same father.

There are literally millions of poor black people who don’t commit crime. And the poor areas of other races don’t have the same crime rates as ours, but you do have to take population density into consideration. We are literally the only group of people who constantly makes excuses for the worst of us. And don’t act like most of the people being terrorized by these kids are other black people.

At what point do you admit a lot of us simply aren’t putting enough effort into life?

Don't start a rant with "Did white supremacy...." if you're then going to say shyt that could have come directly from the mouth of a White Supremacist. :dead:

If you have an actual solution for the social issues, then show us where it worked, then apply it, then preach it. Shouting "Do better black people!" on a message board when the person who you think needs to hear you isn't even reading does.....what exactly?