Not only are you guys hypocrites, you guys are slow.
When people say "Xbox got no games!", they're literally talking about first party titles. Third party titles are a given, we KNOW there are third party titles on the consoles. Why would you LITERALLY think we're saying Xbox literally has zero software skus? Are you dumb dog? Do you take the saying "I'm so hungry I can eat a horse!" at face value? You think someone can literally sit there and start scarfing down a horse? "Xbox got no games!" literally means there's a lack of quality exclusives from a critical reception standpoint compared to Sony and even Nintendo when you put it down on paper.
Amazing, dude listed a few 3rd party "exclusives" that wouldnt have gotten mentioned at all if there were any 1st party exclusive content to hold the line.
I mention 3rd party mattering now and y'all goal post into whatever is you talking about, but I'm the dumb one...

I've been the biggest champion of 3rd party games carrying systems, yall have gone at my neck for saying that 3rd party actual matters more than 1st party UNLESS you are Nintendo and have made it a brand.
The "Xbox has no games" movement has been about 1st party games, even though Xbox has missed out on key japanese 3rd party games or gets them late for years almost a decade now.
But games like Y's or trails isn't the ammo used for "Xbox has no games" convos, those 3rd party exclusive games are very matter of fact to y'all.
But now that Sony in a drought we rattling off 3rd party games.
Hence the "now 3rd party games matter"