How this thread has festered and gone on is a miracle. Whether it’s coming from David Jaffe who is a weirdo or Santa fukking Klaus is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that Bethesda games just put out a game that many Xbox owners claimed was a game changer and yet…not only was it underwhelming and didn’t live up to the hype. The game also plays like every other Bethesda game.
You have clunky NPC’s and limited scope in exploration, I have seen Xbox owners cite “wait until the moders are done” because they know the game needs tweaking. If we are honest the game is essentially the Outer worlds 2.0 and as per all Bethesda games comes with a terrible terrible story. The drawing point of the game being what? Nothing genre defining accomplished just a run of the mill Bethesda game…in space. Yet Xbox owners have the gall to point fingers and talk about “meh formula stale” when the best game to grace Xbox consoles in years is a reskinned version of every Bethesda game since Oblivion.
Reminds me of an age old idiom “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”. Then again the lack of awareness some Xbox owners have is staggering.
You have clunky NPC’s and limited scope in exploration, I have seen Xbox owners cite “wait until the moders are done” because they know the game needs tweaking. If we are honest the game is essentially the Outer worlds 2.0 and as per all Bethesda games comes with a terrible terrible story. The drawing point of the game being what? Nothing genre defining accomplished just a run of the mill Bethesda game…in space. Yet Xbox owners have the gall to point fingers and talk about “meh formula stale” when the best game to grace Xbox consoles in years is a reskinned version of every Bethesda game since Oblivion.