I been trying to take you off the market for at least 6 months now
but you ain't serious.
double entendre don't ask how
With that being said, i agree. I run in a lot of circles, careerwise and political. When you're in the political game, your woman gotta know how to play her part. When you're high profile she has to know how to play her part.
You aren't allowed to get fat and look homely. Nah you take care of yourself because part of this game is image. You are representing me at all times. And vice versa.
But if I'm pulling in 200k, that's the least you can do. You living comfortably, you not in need of nothing.
Then keep it right and tight and keep that titty to tummy ratio where it needs to be.
It's sick that so many women don't realize this. Women let themselves go everyday and think that we as men should just accept that, when literally part of a woman's job is to look beautiful.
I was looking at a Facebook chat earlier where this manbearpig was going off about a dude saying he wanted his woman to be in shape and she was like "eff that, imma eat".
What she didn't realize is that she was the only one laughing. Women have this high level fantasy of the type of man they want when they ain't high level in any way, form or fashion.
Nah, you get your ass in the gym and take care of yourself otherwise we gon have to revisit some things.