Dame lillard really starting over…dropped his wife

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
This is the TOUGH thing about being a woman, and if women in your life aren’t honest with you about it… :francis:

People like to pretend, but ppl are always sizing you up if you have a successful man.

Said it before. If my husband is making 200k+ that negro will have to understand that part of that $ is most definitely going towards my upkeep 🤣 Hell at that level these chicks are looking at you trying to take your man lol

It really sucks, but it’s also fun if you’re girlie and into beauty, etc 🤷🏾‍♀️

you're not going to be married so don't stress over it.
:mjlol: :lolbron:


Mar 11, 2022
It’s not that simple.

He probably felt obligated to be with her, because she was with him from the jump but people change.

Who you are at 18 is a different person than at 32. Also when you’re young like that you’re dating off proximity and availability, not necessarily off of genuine interest and common traits. Dude was trying for the longest but looked miserable. I know that feeling, he was also probably “comfortable”. Because it’s what he was familiar with.

Also think about this, I just read that they were living separately for over 10 month. They just got married in 2021. That says a lot. She had him plastered all over her ig, and he had a few pics here and there of her.
Point is he kept her around because it was CONVENIENT. If it was that deep he would’ve married her well before 2021. Yes, he probably married her out of obligation, but he shouldn’t have. They already had multiple kids OOW and he married her that late? Red flags GALORE. She was convenient, comfy, reminded him of home. He would’ve made an honest women out of her before there were multiple kids OOW if he truly loved her.

THAT’S the point. From a woman’s perspective, it was clear he wasn’t going to ride off into the sunset with her. And it’s also clear she was too blind to realize that she didn’t have enough boundaries.


Mar 11, 2022
I been trying to take you off the market for at least 6 months now but you ain't serious. :francis: double entendre don't ask how

With that being said, i agree. I run in a lot of circles, careerwise and political. When you're in the political game, your woman gotta know how to play her part. When you're high profile she has to know how to play her part.

You aren't allowed to get fat and look homely. Nah you take care of yourself because part of this game is image. You are representing me at all times. And vice versa.

But if I'm pulling in 200k, that's the least you can do. You living comfortably, you not in need of nothing.

Then keep it right and tight and keep that titty to tummy ratio where it needs to be.

It's sick that so many women don't realize this. Women let themselves go everyday and think that we as men should just accept that, when literally part of a woman's job is to look beautiful.

I was looking at a Facebook chat earlier where this manbearpig was going off about a dude saying he wanted his woman to be in shape and she was like "eff that, imma eat".

What she didn't realize is that she was the only one laughing. Women have this high level fantasy of the type of man they want when they ain't high level in any way, form or fashion.

Nah, you get your ass in the gym and take care of yourself otherwise we gon have to revisit some things.
Agree. Again- most don’t keep it quite this real with their daughters.

This is generally understood in well-to-do circles because those women are afforded more comfortable lives, so they don’t have an excuse to let themselves go save for health issues.

Huh. Very funny, btw
Apr 3, 2014
Agree. Again- most don’t keep it quite this real with their daughters.

This is generally understood in well-to-do circles because those women are afforded more comfortable lives, so they don’t have an excuse to let themselves go save for health issues.

Huh. Very funny, btw

Mothers are doing their daughters a huge disservice by not telling them this, but I have a feeling (I admit I can't prove it) that mothers in the past were more transparent about this type of thing. Back in the 90s, I feel like women were not built this... badly. I mean, single unmarried women. Women used to get comfortable and get fat AFTER marriage, not before. Something has been lost between then and now.

Glad I could make you smile.

Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022
Point is he kept her around because it was CONVENIENT. If it was that deep he would’ve married her well before 2021. Yes, he probably married her out of obligation, but he shouldn’t have. They already had multiple kids OOW and he married her that late? Red flags GALORE. She was convenient, comfy, reminded him of home. He would’ve made an honest women out of her before there were multiple kids OOW if he truly loved her.

THAT’S the point. From a woman’s perspective, it was clear he wasn’t going to ride off into the sunset with her. And it’s also clear she was too blind to realize that she didn’t have enough boundaries.
I spoke to my Wife about this and she said the same thing.

My opinion Dame is silly for seeding her up knowing that she wasn’t the one. They waited YEARS to have kids.

At the same time, kids change women. Maybe he realized she wasn’t motherly. She brought her mother in or a team to take care of them. One top of that twins!!! How do you sleep year one and two. Yes they have all the money in the world but still.

The kids could have broken her/them. Who knows the real reason why but I tell anybody who is unmarried to peep everything you can of your partner.

Speak on everything you have a problem with. Look at their response. Try to come into the relationship as “whole” as you can. If you are young, is this person able to adapt, grow, learn, and be objective.

Some of those skills or qualities are natural but most need to be built. Choosing a life partner is the most difficult thing you will ever do in your life. People take it too lightly. That’s why so many people have checked out and will never marry.

Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
He trying get to Miami for a reason, I don’t blame him.
this really where they did him dirty.

forget about not getting to play for Spo with Jimmy and Bam... they sent his ass to be single in Wisconsin instead of Miami.... :damn:

that's cruel and unusual punishment
Apr 3, 2014
I spoke to my Wife about this and she said the same thing.

My opinion Dame is silly for seeding her up knowing that she wasn’t the one. They waited YEARS to have kids.

At the same time, kids change women. Maybe he realized she wasn’t motherly. She brought her mother in or a team to take care of them. One top of that twins!!! How do you sleep year one and two. Yes they have all the money in the world but still.

The kids could have broken her/them. Who knows the real reason why but I tell anybody who is unmarried to peep everything you can of your partner.

Speak on everything you have a problem with. Look at their response. Try to come into the relationship as “whole” as you can. If you are young, is this person able to adapt, grow, learn, and be objective.

Some of those skills or qualities are natural but most need to be built. Choosing a life partner is the most difficult thing you will ever do in your life. People take it too lightly. That’s why so many people have checked out and will never marry.

Agreed. +rep


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
this really where they did him dirty.

forget about not getting to play for Spo with Jimmy and Bam... they sent his ass to be single in Wisconsin instead of Miami.... :damn:

that's cruel and unusual punishment
Tbf, he had been hinting about wanting to play with Giannis. They just gave him what he was looking for.

But yeah, a single guy in Miami :wow:
Apr 3, 2014
all i know is all that shyt charles barkley said about san antonio is more true for the women in wisconsin

that's foreal the cow state :damn:

Breh, he's a multimillionaire athlete. He will get the cream of the crop no matter where he goes. He can import them into Wisconsin if he wants to. :pachaha: