Dont worry brehs, Gawdgers gonna send this c00n back to them white rail road tracks![]()

Dont worry brehs, Gawdgers gonna send this c00n back to them white rail road tracks![]()
Same here breh. I don't usually feed into the fake outrage either but reading that line about his family had me likeI'ma need some context for this interview tho.
Cuz the media...
I don't know. Dak my nikka, I hate it had to be him...
I ain't usually with the fake outrage when something controversial is said but this one got me feeling some type of way if true.![]()
Same reason he said this:Why even say this![]()
He's arrogant and suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. He thinks he's offering some insightful analysis when he's really just revealing his own prejudices.“And then I can go over and talk to Dez Bryant. I mean, think about the two different standpoints you need to have a real conversation with both, to really understand what they’ve been through. I don’t think many can do it. For me, it’s not hard. I’m blessed because it’s natural.”
Seriously, what does having black family members who have been to jail have to do with you relating to your black multi-millionaire coworkers.Same reason he said this:
He's arrogant and suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. He thinks he's offering some insightful analysis when he's really just revealing his own prejudices.
Dak was just keepin it real
i wish more athletes took the Marshawn route and said as little as possible to the mediaI wondered if he was biracial, I didn't know before this article but it isn't a shock to find out that he is.
These guys need to be told to just speak on football and THAT IS ALL. Don't speak on politics, don't speak on race, your job is to play football and that is it. We have people who get paid to speak on race and politics.
Dak spoke on HIS experiences and why he feels that he can connect with all of his teammates who come from different backgrounds... That doesn't make him a c00n in my book maybe he just not "woke" enough to word it differently. I'll see how he speaks on social issues regarding us before I'll give him the c00n tag
black people getting riled up over nothing
he's talking about how HE grew up and many black people have grown up the same way. Jail is a common in most black families, just look at the stats...white people can go a lifetime without knowing anyone in their family doing hardtime. And it's not a race thing it more about classism - poverty breeds certain behavior
There's nothing real about throwing your family under the bus on national news. Drake did this himself on SNL and it was dumb as well. In this shythole of a country perception is reality, the last thing a Black/biracial kid should be doing is giving off the perception that his black family members are for the most part Jail ridden.
what if that side of his family was screwed up tho?
What family has EVERYONE fukked up? That's low key (and high key) racist cac shyt to extrapolate a couple to mean all when it comes to black