It's bad bro...I'ma try to give you the run down, but when you get a second take a listen yourself...
Nate said something to the effect that he wishes he had another opportunity(that he was offered earlier when he first started with ESPN) to take media training. He ventured into murky waters when he said he wanted to talk "WHITE" smh...
He said he wanted talk better like a white man, a "white man from Joisey" to be more specific. Kurt and Shannon tried to throw him a bone and say, well Jesse is from Jersey (and black, they didn't say the black part but it's implied) but Nate doubled down and said not like any black man but a white guy basically...then tried to play it off by saying he was just joking. At that point, I turned it off b/c that train wreck was just TOO much for me...
Give it a listen, it's

all at the same damn time...
Hope that helps