Daisy Ridley to Reprise Role as Rey Skywalker in New ‘Star Wars’ Film

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
So this really confirms that they killed Luke for no other reason than to insert Rey and force her to be the face of their own franchise. They literally had Luke dying, having his Jedi Order killed, and Yoda destroying all Jedi Lore only for Rey to do the exact same thing Luke did :mjlol: .

Not only that they made Rey so damn overpowered that theres no villian she cant defeat now. She can reflect Sith lightning, use sith lightning, fly the millenium falcon, force skype/heal/push/pull/compulsion and has the fortitude and power to defeat a Sith Lord single handedly. She also took no L’s in combat to make it all of it seem earned.

A lot of her power will have to be retconned to even make her seemingly interesting. And you still have Holdo maneuvers and lightspeed tracking in the Canon to contend with. They got a lot of work to do on that script lol

Its 2023,this aint your granddaddys starwars. I watched one of the shows when I had Disney Plus. And I saw Darth Vader stop a moving ship,and the Jedi lifting and throwing piles of boulders. I dont remember them doing that in the old movies I saw. You have to update powers to gain a younger generation.

Not sure why they dont just create a different franchise about humans in space with powers. Seems like theyve juiced this for all its worth. I dont watch Halloween movies and still expect greatness. Just show up,watch,and be pleasantly suprised if its good


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
"I'm Rey Skywalker" is an even worse line than "I hate sand" and this motherfukkers gonna make a whole fukking movie with this bytch using that last name :scust: :smh:

I wonder if they borrow Grogu for this film and have Rey die so baby Yoda gets the torch passed to him. A Mando Jedi >>>> Palpatine's granddaughter.

Thank lawd we getting some real Jedi shyt with Ahsoka and the Thrawn film Filoni gonna make :whew: :blessed:


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
I only remember 4 things about the last star wars trilogy

Boyega was in it
Harrison Ford was talking about how happy he was that they killed his character off
Keanu Reaves Jr aka Adam Driver was in it
Rey was in it

I don't remember shyt about the storylines for any of these movies.

They did Boyega dirty in this so I won't be watching. Get the bag though Daisy.


Mar 11, 2022
3 paths they're gonna take whichever one sells the most. Most likely Mangold as the other two directors are unproven on a big screen. Filoni could pull a classic since he's leaning on whats currently running. There's no chance the Ms. Marvel director is able to helm this production once it gets going. They're gonna find out the hard way smh.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
15 year Time Skip? I personally think they should of time skipped about 50 or 75 years into the future. Have a whole new "Skywalker" Character we've never seen before and new villains. I think the story should be an older Grogu building the new Jedi Order but maybe that's the plan later on. As for Rey getting another shot. Look as an OG Star Wars fan, I think the new Trilogy was the weakest of the bunch. They missed up plot by not making Rey related to Luke. Not writing good endings for Han, Luke or Leia. Also yes they did drop the ball on Finn which after "Awakens" they were building him up to be a Jedi only to just make him a regular human. Also making her somehow related to the Emperor was one of the laziest twist to me. It was like done for shock value. As for her returning.

I think people are confused about something. The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy did not flop. It made over 4.5 Billion between 3 Films. Matter of fact "Rise of Skywalker" was the last Billion Dollar Film before the Pandemic Hit and it took 2 years for "No Way Home" to break that record. "Rogue One" was a success because "The Force Awakens" smashed sh!t and it came right after. "Solo" was the only film that underperformed and that was because they didn't bring Harrison Ford back who's still alive. People weren't sold on seeing a Young Han Solo when they just saw the real Han Solo in "Awakens". So in Disney's mind continuing with Rey is a good business move because of the success. This reminds me of the Prequels. A bunch of Older Star Wars fans saying "The Prequels ruined my childhood". LOL, acting like some losers. If a movie ruined your childhood you didn't have a great one to begin with. Those Prequels did exactly what Lucas wanted. Bring in a whole new generation. Now you have kids that grew up on Anankin and Jar Jar instead of Luke and the Ewoks. This is why the "Obi Wan" show was made and a success because the Prequels Fanbase is now older. This is why "Askoka" is getting her own show because so many kids grew up on the "Clone Wars" Cartoon.

Well now the Sequel Trilogy fanbase is growing up too. Now you have kids that grew up Rey and Finn. My issue with the Sequel Trilogy was the storytelling just wasn't that good. They literally remixed "A New Hope, Empire and Jedi". It just lacked any originality but I also realize the sequel trilogy was not made for me. It was made for new kids growing up today. Hopefully "Star Wars X" will be better. But I'm actually not shocked they are continuing with Rey. The Sequel Trilogy was a success regardless of the criticisms. Also there was way to much crying online about these movies. It wasn't that serious but people were acting like it was end of the world, lol. Some Star Wars Fans can take it way to far with their emotions and how they want these films to go. When Disney brought Star Wars I was the main one this very board that said they should Follow Lucas's outlines. But people were capping for Disney saying saying they can do better than Lucas, LOL. The Prequels are lightyears better than anything Disney has done. (Though I did enjoy Awakens (A new Hope Remix), Rogue One and Mandolarian)

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